Thursday, January 03, 2013

How to Eat Cleaner - Day 4 of 31- Why Organic? Organic PLU Numbers.

How to Eat Cleaner - Day 4 of 31 - Why Organic? Organic PLU Numbers.

Hello everyone. I'm so excited that you decided to join me in our 31 days to cleaner or healthier eating. Each one of these videos will have 1 simple concept for you to chew on. It's your choice what you do with it. Try it for a day, a week, a month or implement for your entire life. My hope is it helps you open your mind to learning more about fueling your body more healthily.

Part of cleaning up what we eat is getting educated and alot of these videos focus on awareness. What you do with that is up to you.

So, let's talk organic. 2 reasons to go organic: the less chemicals you ingest the better and they may contain more nutrition than other comparable foods. Organic foods are supposed to be produced without chemicals and in general organic farmers take very good care of their soil so that there is more nutrition in it to be absorbed by your food. So, when comparing apples with apples, an organic apple should have more natural minerals in it than a non organic one, making it healthier and worth the added cost.

Since organic fruits and vegetables are not always clearly marked in the store, you can figure it out by checking the PLU or the numbered sticker on it.

A PLU with a number that begins with a 3 or 4 is conventionally grown with weed killers and pesticides.

A PLU with a number that begins with an 8 is genetically engineered. We messed with the genes somehow and it's probably chemically treated too. We'll talk more about this in another video.

A PLU with a number that begins with a 9 is grown organically with out chemicals and without genetic modification.

I challenge you to know what you eat. When you visit the store check your numbers. Check your fridge and work on adding more organic fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

The organic topic is quite big so I will address it more in later video.

Thanks for your time. This is Coach Lana and I would love for you to join me at so we can connect.

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