Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Low Glycemic High Potassium Foods

Recently someone asked me what are some low glycemic, high potassium foods. So, I decided to do a little research.

Why do we need potassium?

Potassium is a mineral found inside body cells. It is one of several minerals known as electrolytes. These minerals (potassium, sodium, and chloride) are found in the fluids inside and outside of body cells. We need about 4700 mg of potassium per day.

Potassium is important because it helps:

- regulate fluid and electrolyte balance
- maintain normal blood pressure
- transmit nerve impulses
- control muscle contraction, including the heart
- maintain healthy bones.

A food's glycemic index rates the speed at which your body metabolizes carbohydrates and the food's ability to increase blood sugar. All foods are rated from 0 to 100, 100 being pure glucose. 55 and below are considered low. Avoiding foods that create too much of an insulin reaction in your body is the key to controlling diabetes. Unfortunately, many foods that are rich in potassium also rate high on the glycemic index.

Here are some foods that are lower on the glycemic index but pack a potassium punch. Sun-dried tomatoes at 3400 mg are an excellent source of potassium. So are baked sweet potatoes with skin at 508 mg, which are on the lower end of the glycemic index. Beet greens have 655 mg in a half cup, celery 300 mg, 1/2 cup of carrots 177 mg, 1 radish 47 mg, 1 cup of tomato 400 mg, 1 cup of Swiss chard 960 mg, 1/2 cup squash 300 mg, and 1/2 cup spinach 300 mg are other good sources. 100 g white beans 561 mg or 1 cup cooked soy beans 972 mg, nuts 100-200 mg, 1 cup of sunflower seeds has 1300 mg.

Imagine if you combined some of the ingredients above in a stew, soup or shake. It would be a yummy potassium super blend.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Workout Tip: How to Do a Lunge (Like in P90X and Brazilian Butt Lift)

Lunges are a great way to tone your legs and butt. P90X and Brazilian Butt Lift have lots of lunges in them and it's important to have proper form and technique when performing a lunge so that you can avoid injuries.

Start standing tall, drawing in your abdominals and relaxing your shoulders. step one foot forward and one foot back. Roll onto the ball of the back foot so that your heal is raised and slowly lower your back knee towards the floor. Your front knee should be directly over your knee or slightly behind it. You should feel like a carousel horse going up and down. You don't want to move forward, moving your knee over your toes. Always keep your knee behind your toes. Lunges can be done in several directions and the same rules apply. You can add variation by adding hand weights. Grip the hand weights firmly but avoid squeezing them.

If you are traveling or are short on time, lunges are a great multi-muscle and multi-joint exercise. They are quiet enough to do in a hotel room and work the large muscle groups. A quick workout could consist of lunges, squats, push ups and sit ups.

Once again, lunges are a great way to strengthen your lower body and sculpt your legs. These large muscle groups are calorie burning powerhouses. Just be sure you use proper form and technique for your lunges so that you get the most out of them avoiding injury.

Note that lunges are not for everyone. Be sure to consult your physician before starting any new workout programs.

I post videos and fit tips like this on my Facebook page at​coachlana