Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Low Glycemic High Potassium Foods

Recently someone asked me what are some low glycemic, high potassium foods. So, I decided to do a little research.

Why do we need potassium?

Potassium is a mineral found inside body cells. It is one of several minerals known as electrolytes. These minerals (potassium, sodium, and chloride) are found in the fluids inside and outside of body cells. We need about 4700 mg of potassium per day.

Potassium is important because it helps:

- regulate fluid and electrolyte balance
- maintain normal blood pressure
- transmit nerve impulses
- control muscle contraction, including the heart
- maintain healthy bones.

A food's glycemic index rates the speed at which your body metabolizes carbohydrates and the food's ability to increase blood sugar. All foods are rated from 0 to 100, 100 being pure glucose. 55 and below are considered low. Avoiding foods that create too much of an insulin reaction in your body is the key to controlling diabetes. Unfortunately, many foods that are rich in potassium also rate high on the glycemic index.

Here are some foods that are lower on the glycemic index but pack a potassium punch. Sun-dried tomatoes at 3400 mg are an excellent source of potassium. So are baked sweet potatoes with skin at 508 mg, which are on the lower end of the glycemic index. Beet greens have 655 mg in a half cup, celery 300 mg, 1/2 cup of carrots 177 mg, 1 radish 47 mg, 1 cup of tomato 400 mg, 1 cup of Swiss chard 960 mg, 1/2 cup squash 300 mg, and 1/2 cup spinach 300 mg are other good sources. 100 g white beans 561 mg or 1 cup cooked soy beans 972 mg, nuts 100-200 mg, 1 cup of sunflower seeds has 1300 mg.

Imagine if you combined some of the ingredients above in a stew, soup or shake. It would be a yummy potassium super blend.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Workout Tip: How to Do a Lunge (Like in P90X and Brazilian Butt Lift)

Lunges are a great way to tone your legs and butt. P90X and Brazilian Butt Lift have lots of lunges in them and it's important to have proper form and technique when performing a lunge so that you can avoid injuries.

Start standing tall, drawing in your abdominals and relaxing your shoulders. step one foot forward and one foot back. Roll onto the ball of the back foot so that your heal is raised and slowly lower your back knee towards the floor. Your front knee should be directly over your knee or slightly behind it. You should feel like a carousel horse going up and down. You don't want to move forward, moving your knee over your toes. Always keep your knee behind your toes. Lunges can be done in several directions and the same rules apply. You can add variation by adding hand weights. Grip the hand weights firmly but avoid squeezing them.

If you are traveling or are short on time, lunges are a great multi-muscle and multi-joint exercise. They are quiet enough to do in a hotel room and work the large muscle groups. A quick workout could consist of lunges, squats, push ups and sit ups.

Once again, lunges are a great way to strengthen your lower body and sculpt your legs. These large muscle groups are calorie burning powerhouses. Just be sure you use proper form and technique for your lunges so that you get the most out of them avoiding injury.

Note that lunges are not for everyone. Be sure to consult your physician before starting any new workout programs.

I post videos and fit tips like this on my Facebook page at​coachlana

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lana’s Kick Your Cold’s Booty Shake

Lana’s Kick Your Cold’s Booty Shake

We don't need to run to chemicals every time we start to feel the sniffles coming on. Nature has provided us with amazing natural remedies. My husband and I used this shake to kick our cold's butt.

1 Scoop Greenberry Shakeology
1 Cup fresh pineapple
1 Cup fresh blackberries
1 Cup grapes (your color choice)
1 Cup pink grapefruit
1 Tablespoon finely diced fresh ginger
30 Drops Herb-Pharm Liquic Echinacea
30 Drops Herb-Pharm liquid Cayenne (This gives it quite a kick, so you may want to use less if you cannot take the heat. Does not effect the taste, but has quite an after-heat in the throat.)
3 Opened capsules of Electric Institute Fresh Freeze-Dried Garlic
Just enough water to blend.

Blend well with ice or pour over ice after blending. Has a very refreshing fruity taste with a hint of heat aftertaste.


1 Scoop Greenberry Shakeology - 140
1 Cup fresh pineapple - 83
1 Cup fresh blackberries - 62
1 Cup grapes (your color choice) - 104
1 Cup pink grapefruit - 74
1 Tablespoon finely diced fresh ginger – 5

TOTAL: 468
Lots of nutrition packed into these calories.

If you would like a sample of Shakeology, email me at

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Why Am I Eating When I'm Not Hungry?

Why Am I Eating When I'm Not Hungry?

Every now and then we catch ourselves munching mindlessly when we are not hungry. Yikes! Do this often enough and we can really pack on the pounds.

Here are a few situations that may sound familiar and 1 or 2 ways to cope.

The Mood Hits...

You like to celebrate with food or you like to soothe with food. If food is the center of every happy, sad, angry moment, it's good to stop and identify that. Keeping a food journal and identify your feelings around each meal may help stop you in your tracks. Once you are aware, you can figure out ways to combat it. Call a friend when you're sad, do a rigorous workout when you're mad, etc. Find what works for you.

I'm Bored!

Your hands and mind want to keep busy and they may be doing that by picking up Cheetos. Try finding something mindful to occupy your time. What types of activities have you been  wanting to try or is there something you want to learn? How about reading a gripping novel or starting a blog?

Everyone Else is Eating!

You are out with family and friends, the conversation is great and the food is flowing. You don't have to eat every single thing. Yup, that is true. Don't let the hand reach too many times. Check in with how you are feeling. Are you full? Then just enjoy hanging out.

If I See It I Will Eat It!

Food in plain sight can be so hard to resist. Our eyes trigger us to want it. Here's  a couple things to keep those treats out of sight. If you buy treats, store them high up and away from plain view. When you are at a party or event, hang out away from the treats or have your back to them. Also, keep healthy foods out where you can see them.

It's Party Time!

There's always an event with lots of yummy food! Keep it in perspective; the event is about the people, not the food. You don't have to indulge. If you can't resist diving in, you may want to avoid the event or bring a healthy alternative to munch on.

I Can't Say No!

If you have a hard time saying no to food that is being pushed on you, you can try "I'm not hungry," "I'm watching my weight," or any number of similar reasons. If that still does not work, see if you can split it with someone else or just take a small bite and get rid of the rest.

I'm Tired.

It's tempting to reach for a sugary treat when we are feeling that afternoon lull. But, it will lead to a later afternoon crash. See if all you need is a little movement. Walk around the office or take a quick trip outdoors in the sunlight. You may be dehydrated, drink some refreshing water or eat a juicy piece of fruit.

What About The Starving Kids In Africa?

Do you feel like you have to clean your plate? Guess what? We live in a wonderful time full of refrigerators and to go containers. It's OK to take some food home and have them for leftovers later. Eat slowly and gauge your appetite often.

This is certainly not an all inclusive list. But, I hope these few topics got you thinking. It's just my 2 cents.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lowfat, No Fat Diets Do Not Work. What Fats You Should Be Eating.

We tend to get a bit extreme when we are trying to lose weight. Our first assumption is we need to cut all fats out of our diet. This is false. Research shows that a moderate fat diet, about 35 percent of calories, helps people lose weight permanently, feel full longer, and avoid bingeing.

What we want to do is eat the right fats so that we increase satisfaction and boost weight loss. Fat is important for weight loss. Fats help with sugar metabolism so less sugar is stored as fat. Fat slows down digestion and aids in nutrient absorption so you stay full longer and get more nutrition from your foods. Essential fatty acids like omega-3s may boost your metabolic rate and increase fat burning. Fat tastes good and feels good in your mouth which can help you feel happy with less food.

To get lean you need to eat the right kind of fat. Eat less saturated fat found in red meat and whole fat milk and avoid trans fats found in processed foods. Choose more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Some of the best sources are:

1. Fish like salmon, albacore, tuna, herring, mackerel, and sardines have omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Heart-healthy oils like olive, canola and peanut oil have been shown to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. You only need about 1 teaspoon to get all of the oil’s benefits. Add a little vinegar with vegetables and herbs for maximum absorption of the minerals and vitamins in the vegetables and herbs.

3. Avocados are another great source of fat. Added to salads and avocados aid in the absorption of phytonutrients like lutein and beta-carotene. As little as one quarter helps with this absorption.

4. Almonds, walnuts, pecans and peanuts are full of good nutrition. They are full of antioxidants, minerals, and monounsaturated fat. Folks that ate about an ounce of nuts per day tended to weigh less than those who didn’t. The protein, fat, and fiber make nuts more filling. Also, because nuts are so satisfying, you get the psychological effect of not feeling like you are on a diet.

5. Flaxseed contains fat, protein and fiber. It’s a plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, making it a good vegetarian source. Ground flaxseeds have 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon, which helps slow digestion and keep your blood sugar stable.

Now, we don’t want to go crazy with the fat. Fat is 9 calories per gram, so we still need to be mindful how much we are eating. But when we eat the right fats, we absorb nutrients better, we feel more full and satisfied. That will help us stay on track with our weight goals.

So, there’s my 2 cents. I hope you found it interesting.

Please LIKE my page at​coachlana where I upload fit tips and videos like this one. Thanks.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How To Add Life Giving Water To Your Day

We’ve all heard about how important it is to drink water.  Our bodies need it to function correctly, so that we have energy, to clean out our kidneys, to be able to go to the bathroom, yes, I said it, and so that our skin looks healthy and young. But, how do we add more water to our day. Here are a few quick tips. I’m sure you can find lots more if you try.

1.    Start your day with a cup of water. It will help wake you up and most of us wake up dehydrated after 6-8 hours of sleep. You will feel refreshed and ready to attack the day.

2.    Chop up peaches, pears, apricots, lime, lemon, whatever you like and put in a large pitcher with ice and water. Serve immediately or store in fridge for the day. A great low calorie refreshing drink.

3.    Drink a low caffeine, not decaffeinated, tea like white tea hot or over ice. So this is a personal pet peeve. I try to avoid processed foods and chemicals when I can. So, I gave up my decaf coffee for a low caffeine white tea. Either way you get water. So, it’s really up to you.

4.    Keep a water bottle on your desk and sip often. Convenience is key.

5.    Eat more fruit. Fruit has a high water content and you will get vitamins, minerals, and fiber too!

6.    Eat low sodium light soup. You can get water from your foods too.

7.    Bring a water bottle to your workouts. Sip often and be sure to drink a lot afterwards so you can wash the toxins out of your body.

Note you can drink too much water. So, be aware of how you feel and always listen to your doctor if you have any special medical conditions. But, the fact of the matter is, most of us don’t get enough and water is like air, we need it. So, give your body what it needs and you will feel refreshed, energized and ready to go.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FREE Food is Not Really FREE - Don't Sabotage Your Diet

FREE Food is Not Really FREE. It's funny this topic has come up a lot in the last couple weeks, so I decided to dedicate a post to it. Is FREE food really FREE? Well, it's usually not fat free, sugar free, calorie free, and so on. As I walked through Costco every aisle had FREE treats to try. A sample at each aisle would surely put me at about 500+ calories before I walked out the door. Besides calories I would also need to consider what is the quality of these extra calories I'm taking in? Are they whole foods, organic, low sodium, low sugar, hmm? Doubtful!

We are bombarded by free food every day. It's another hurdle to maneuver when you are trying to clean up your diet. Let's not forget that our diets are 80% of our weight loss or maintenance success. So, we need to be prepared to fight this battle.

If we are not being accosted by free samples in the store, it's someone's birthday at work and there's free cake, it's the holidays and the treats are piling up on the corner desk we pass every 10 minutes. It doesn't stop!

Only we can take control of our appetites and mouth! Put the fork down as an acquaintance of mine would say. Ask yourself, "Is it really worth it?" Just because something is free doesn't mean we start shoveling it in like we haven't eaten in weeks.

There are a couple techniques you might want to use that friends have shared with me:

1. Do the math. A pound is 3500 calories. So in order to lose a pound a week you have to be at a 500 calorie deficit every  day. That's either don't eat it or burn it. To burn 500 calories, the average person would need to do 1 hour of intense cardio exercise. Is the cupcake worth it?

2. Exotic. Is it a treat that you will not be able to have again or for a really long time? If it's a store bought brownie that you can get any time of the year, drop it. But if it's Aunt Sadie's super special apple fudge cream cake pie surprise, well, you might want to indulge if she only makes it once a year.

3. Teeny Tiny. If you are going to indulge, just take a taste or a few bites.  Take the smallest portion you possibly can to get the flavor and enjoy it. If there are lots of treats to try, go for 1 spoonful each. The calories add up and an office holiday party could end up being 3,000 calories without self control. If there is only 1 item to taste make it 1-3 bites. Honestly, after about 3 bites, our taste buds start to get dull to the flavor anyway. Then we are just noshing for nothing.

4. Prepare. Eat a healthful meal before you are in the situation where you will be tempted to indulge.  This does require you have the ability to say no. It can be hard when your grandma is looking at you with those, you better eat it or you are out of my will eyes. Joking or am I?

5. Avoidance. When you see the free samples in the store, avoid them. Take the long way, don't look them in the eye. The little hyenas will leave you alone.  At the office birthday or whatever celebration show up late and leave early. Say your happy whatevers, have fun, chit chat and scoot out before you are tempted to eat the treats.

6. Play the Part. Sometimes there is peer pressure to indulge. If there is no way you can say no, act the part. This is going to seem crazy, but I've used this and it works. When someone offers you the treat and you cannot say no, accept only the smallest portion they can give you and don't eat it. Pretend you did. Take the cake, mess it up a little so it looks like you took a bite or two, hold your fork like it just came out of your mouth and when you get a chance, throw it away. Yes, throw it away. You don't need to sabotage your success for someone else's feelings. They probably won't notice you didn't eat any of it anyway.  And don't feel bad about throwing away food. Cake is not food! This may be my own personal opinion, but I'm the first in my household to throw the box of doughnuts out. I'll go out of my way to preserve fruit, veggies, healthful foods. But, cookies, cakes, candy can hit the round file and I could care less. There is no nutritional value whatsoever and it's just going to mess up my diet success.

So, there are a couple ideas. I'm sure there's tons more and you won't find success with all of them. Find one that works for you. But, at least think about it. Every bite counts. Let's make those bites healthful fuel for our bodies.

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I'm Too Busy To Workout. How Do I Fit Workouts Into My Busy Schedule?

I'm having a crazy day and I'm ready for it. I planned it all out the day before because I knew it would be hectic. This made me think about time management and fitness. How in the world do the busiest people do it? Guess what we are all the busiest people. No matter how busy you get, you can always be busier. So, I'm here to offer a couple tips on how I manage my time and how some of the busiest people I know manage theirs.

Grouping: Part of your life is set to a schedule. You may go to the same place for work, you pick your kids up from the same school, you go to the same church each week, etc. What stores, dry cleaners, car washes, etc. are around these locations that you can group. When you pick the kids up from school, pick up the dry cleaning, head to the store, clean the car. They will get a good lesson on how busy mommy or daddy is. I group my grocery shopping around my fitness teaching schedule. I'll look at my week and what the fridge looks like and say, hmmm? I need to go to Trader Joe's. Well, I teach near Trader Joe's on Wednesday, so that is when I will go there. Oh, there is a gas station there also, good time to fill up.  These are just examples, but I hope you get the idea. A little planning now will save you a lot of time later and then it will be easier to fit in that 15-30 minute workout you keep saying you don't have time for.

Spacing: Another technique I use, I call spacing. It's a lot like grouping, because it has to do with where do you have to be. Sometimes I don't want to do 100 things at one time, so I will just plan a couple items each day around where I'm going to be. Wednesday I'm near Trader Joe's, Thursday I'm near the gas station, Friday I'm near the car wash. I space the tasks out but still focus on where I have to be. So, no extra trips that waste my time.

Think about it. How much time could you save if you planned your week better? A friend wants to meet for lunch. Pick a place near the car wash, drop it off, get lunch and viola, clean car afterwards. It's like a game! You get more points (minutes) the better you get at it! And you can redeem these points doing stress relieving, cholesterol lowering, fat burning, heart strengthening, blood pressure lowering exercise! What a bonus!

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Can I Eat Eggs? Is Egg Yolk Bad For Me?

You need to decide for yourself whether eggs should be on your table or not. But, here are some pieces of info that may surprise you.

You get high quality protein from egg whites and the egg yolks. Half of the protein and other nutrients in the egg is in the yolk itself.

Eggs are a nutrient dense food and great source of high quality protein. At around 70 calories per egg, they have about 13 vitamins and minerals. Most of the fat in eggs is unsaturated.

Research has shown that eating about one egg per day does not result in significant changes in serum lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels. But, you need to be wise. If high cholesterol is a problem, consult your physician.

Studies have shown that eggs today contain 14% less cholesterol than they used to. A possible reason is improved feed given to hens. So, yes, it matters what the hens eat. Another argument for going organic. Just my 2 cents here.  Organic eggs are produced by hens given feed grown without most conventional pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or commercial fertilizers.

So, should you add eggs or not? They are a very inexpensive, nutrient dense, easy to prepare food. I always have hard boiled eggs in my fridge. It's so easy to grab an egg when I'm in a hurry and need some sustenance. Something to think about.

Please LIKE my Facebook page where I share videos like this and other fitness tips:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Coach Lana is Here to Help You Reach Your Health & Fitness Goals

Hi I'm Coach Lana

Whatever your goal. How bad do you want it?

If you want to be successful, you need to really want it. You need to be willing to sacrifice to get there.

I love to help people reach their health & fitness goals. Does this require sacrifice? That depends on what you consider sacrifice.

Eating healthier and adding workouts to your life initially looks and feels like sacrifice, but after you have done it for awhile, it becomes life changing and life giving.

What previously looked and felt like work becomes a habit, a part of your life and routine. It's becomes normal and enjoyable. I can't imagine going more than 1 day without working out. I actually feel worse when I don't workout and when I eat really unhealthy, my body feels it.

Depending on where you are on your health journey, it may be hard to imagine that now. But, imagine this. Imagine not being able to walk up stairs or bend over to pick up something you dropped. Imagine having extremely high cholesterol or having Type II Diabetes. Imagine not being there for your family. If we don't take our health seriously now, that is the road we are on. You may already be there. But, it's never too late to change. Even small changes to your fitness and eating routine now can have major gains in your health.

I'm here to help you. I've been working in the fitness industry since 1999. I am an ACE personal trainer, an AFAA personal trainer and group exercise instructor as well as having multiple other specialty trainings under my belt.

How badly do want it? I have proven strategies that have worked for thousands of people. Are you ready to change? I'm here, all you need to take the first step. Contact me. Send me a direct message. I'm waiting.
Please share this with your friends that might need a helping hand and LIKE my page where I post videos and fit tips.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to Change Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time: Start Small, Get Educated

The most overlooked part of a fitness program is the diet. 80% of your success at getting fit and staying fit is related to your diet. We think if we workout hard we can eat whatever we want and some younger people are blessed with crazy metabolisms that allow them to do that for a number of years. But reality starts to set in either in the early 30’s, 40’s or even sooner. Bottom line, even if you have a fast metabolism, you are hurting your body at the cellular level by eating unhealthy. Do we even need to talk about cancer, dementia, diabetes, etc.? More and more diseases and ailments are being linked back to diet in one way or another.

Changing your diet can feel like an overwhelming task if you think it’s all or nothing. I find that most successful people are the ones that take it one step at a time. So, think to yourself, “What is one thing I can change to eat healthier?” If you are at a loss, because you’re not sure what to do, I would recommend signing up for a fitness newsletter, so you can stay informed. It won’t take too much time to scan the headlines and read the short articles on nutritional topics. Of course I would suggest you sign up for a free membership to my site at Choose Join then Free Membership. There are tons of nutritional articles. Also and have great resources too. There are thousands of sites.  So that is step one, start reading.  Step two is to choose something. Some examples could be: use half as much sugar or cream in your coffee, eat one more serving of fruits and/or vegetables a day that you are now, choose organic products, cut down on the number of times you eat at fast food restaurants each week, remove one processed food item from your diet this week. The list can go on and on. The most important thing is to just do something, stick to it and once you master it, choose another. Keep plugging away one week or month at a time.

Please LIKE my page at where I upload fit tips and videos like this one. Thanks.

Banish Frozen Processed Foods: How to Change Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time

How to Change Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time: Banish Frozen Processed Foods

From my previous videos we already know that the most overlooked part of a fitness program is the diet. 80% of your success at getting fit and staying fit is related to your diet.

Unless you workout at a professional athlete level, you have to have some self control concerning  your diet. This does not have to be an overwhelming task. Take on one challenge at a time. I’m here to suggest cutting out unhealthy, empty calories like processed frozen foods.

Seriously, I’ve never tasted a Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice-type meal that I’ve really enjoyed. It’s more like I tolerated it because I felt like I had no choice. We have choices. We can choose to eat highly processed fake foods or eat nutritious whole foods that our bodies crave. Why can’t we get satisfaction from these empty calorie food popsicles? They lack the nutrients our bodies need and are filled with chemicals and loaded with salt.

Are you addicted? Feel a little overwhelmed at changing cold turkey. Try this. Count how many frozen processed meals you eat a week. During week 1 change 1 meal out, during week 2, change 2 meals out, etc.

Now, what do you change them to? This does take some planning. Try this. Make some homemade lasagna. Cut it up into lunch/dinner sized portions. Put them in individual containers and freeze them or refrigerate if you think you will consume them fast enough.

Bottom line is try to find organic, whole food choices that you can make into big dishes that you chop up into smaller ones to replace the frozen chemical meals. Not only will you be giving your body the nutrients it need, but you will feel better.

Need help? Contact me.

Please LIKE my page at where I upload fit tips and videos like this one. Thanks.

Stop Drinking Soda - Changing Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time

How to Change Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time: Stop Drinking Soda

From my previous videos we already know that the most overlooked part of a fitness program is the diet. 80% of your success at getting healthy and staying healthy is related to your diet.

One small step you can take towards being healthier is cutting flavored carbonated beverages from your diet. Why? The obvious reason is the added empty calories. One can of soda is about 140 calories. If you only drink 1 per day that is 980 a week. Let’s round that to 1,000 for arguments sake. So in 3 weeks, you’ve drank 3,000 empty calories. Since 3,500 calories is a pound. That is nearly one pound of extra weight from empty non nutritional calories. So, why not just drink diets sodas? There have been some studies that have linked diet sodas to eating more sugar calories. Our bodies crave sugar, we give it a diet soda, it gets mad, because there are no calories there and then craves a doughnut. So, we eat it. Also, soda has been linked to calcium loss. If we want strong bones, we need to completely eliminate or significantly reduce the amount of soda we drink. In addition, the acidity of soda contributes to enamel loss on our teeth. Most of us are familiar with the trick of putting a corroded penny in soda and then taking it out in an hour and viola, it’s shiny and new. But, we need to acknowledge that most drinks are acidic. But, we can at least pick a drink that is nutritious for us, like organic juices.

Is cutting soda out a hard task? Well, if it’s your habit, it can be. Depending on how much you drink, try replacing 1 soda a day or week with another alternative. Then slowly replace another and another. If you love the carbonation, try plain carbonated waters. They have not been linked to bone loss and if they don’t have flavoring in them, they should not harm your teeth as much as soda.

So, there’s my 2 cents. I hope you found it interesting.

Please LIKE my page at where I upload fit tips and videos like this one. Thanks.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Go Organic - Changing Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time

Go Organic - How to Change Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time from lanaholt on Vimeo.

How to Change Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time: Go Organic

From my previous videos we already know that the most overlooked part of a fitness program is the diet. 80% of your success at getting healthy and staying healthy is related to your diet.

One small step you can take towards being healthier is going organic. If you don’t already eat organic it can sound like the trend of the month and I felt that way too. But, the more I educated myself about how my food was processed the more I was convinced this is the way to go. Bottom line is that old saying “garbage in garbage out.” So, let’s start with fruits and vegetables. Industrial over farming has made our fruits and vegetables less nutritious than they used to be. Plus, many people are developing medical conditions from the chemicals used on our food. If we want to get the benefits of all positive changes we are making to our diets, then really make them count, by eating fruits and vegetables that are grown on responsible farms without the unnecessary chemicals. Now, for those of you that are meat eaters, lets go up the food chain. Organic meat is the same idea. Most organic meat is raised on responsible, clean ranches. The animals have access to outside grazing and the farmers rotate the crops to ensure proper use of the soil. The soil matters. Industrial ranches and farms have to use chemical fertilizers to try to put nutrition into the soil because it’s gone. The ground has been overused. Crop rotation ensures the nutrients are still available for our foods to absorb.

So besides the fact that organic foods have more nutrients for our bodies, you can taste the difference when eating organic. It’s like night and day. If you love to cook and you love food, you need to go organic. Really taste your food for once.

I do realize it can be hard to change everything all at once. But, just as I have said before in other articles, take it one step at a time. Keep your eyes open when you are shopping and choose organic when you have a choice. Be adventurous and find more organic options; try a new market, got to a farmers market and find out what your options are in your own neighborhood.

So, there’s my 2 cents. I hope you found it interesting.

Slim Fast & Ensure VS Shakeology. Which is better?

Should I Drink Slim Fast, Ensure or Shakeology to Lose Weight? from lanaholt on Vimeo.

Everyone wants to eat healthier and if it were easy that is what we would all do. The best way to get on the road to eating healthier is to do it one step at a time. Meal replacement shakes may be a good option.

I've been a fitness professional since 1999 and every now and then someone asks me about meal replacement shakes. Their goal may be to lose weight or to even maintain or gain weight. So, here's my two cents on two of the most common ones that people ask me about, Slim Fast and Ensure versus Shakeology. Alot of people use Slim Fast as a weight loss method and many older folks use Ensure to maintain and/or gain weight.

Slim Fast and Ensure use synthetic chemically manufactured ingredients that are harmful to the body. In addition the whey protein that most meal replacement shakes use is livestock grade. Compare this to Shakeology which contains 70 plus whole food ingredients, is highly nutrient dense and has the highest quality whey protein. Which would you rather put into your body? How about a different perspective? Which would you rather eat, organic turkey chili or your dogs canned food?

Here is another perspective. Slim fast and Ensure are overly processed so it severely degrades the biological value and density of the nutrients they contain. In other words, you’re not really feeding your body because the calories in Slim Fast and Ensure are largely empty. Shakeology is a nutrient dense food containing 70 plus whole food ingredients with as little processing as possible to maintain a 100% bio availability to the body. Translation: The calories in Shakeolgoy are so dense with highly biologically available nutrients that most people feel satisfied for 3 – 4 hours with just one shake. The reason Slim Fast and Ensure don't fill us up is because the calories are absent of nutrients so the body is still saying “FEED ME.” And that is just what we do. We keep eating and gaining weight.

Most shakes use highly processed corn syrurp or high fructose corn syrup for their sweeteners, or even worse artificial sweeteners. Shakeology uses yacon root as its main sweetener. Yacon root comes from the earth and has a low glycemic affect, making shakeology very diabetic and blood sugar friendly.

So the choice is clear drink 70 whole foods or a synthetic chemically manufactured soup. The choice is yours. If you would like to try an organic superfood option that is going to help you feel full, have more energy and just plain feel good, contact me at and ask for a free sample of Shakeology.

Please LIKE my page at​coachlana where I post more videos like this.

Quinoa with a Latin Twist

Since I have been working from home, I have been trying to learn how to cook. This recipe is interesting and yummy.

Servings: 6 servings, 2/3 cup each
Prep: 30 mins
Total: 45 mins

1 cup  quinoa
2 teaspoons  canola oil
1   medium onion, chopped
1 4-ounce can  chopped green chiles (I left this out)
2 cloves  garlic, minced
1 14-ounce can  reduced-sodium chicken broth, or vegetable broth
1/4 cup  pepitas, toasted (see note below)
3/4 cup  coarsely chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 cup  chopped scallions
2 tablespoons  lime juice
1/4 teaspoon  salt (I left this out, since I used a side dish)

1. Toast quinoa in a large dry skillet over medium heat, stirring often, until it crackles and becomes aromatic, 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer to a fine sieve and rinse thoroughly.
2. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring often, until softened, 2 to 3 minutes. Add chiles and garlic; cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Add the quinoa and broth; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to maintain a gentle simmer, cover and cook until the quinoa is tender and most of the liquid has been absorbed, 20 to 25 minutes.
3. Add pepitas, cilantro, scallions, lime juice and salt to the quinoa; mix gently and fluff with a fork.

Note: To toast nuts & seeds on the stovetop: Toast in a small dry skillet over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until fragrant and lightly browned, 3 to 5 minutes.

Nutrition Facts
Calories 181, Total Fat 6 g, Saturated Fat 1 g, Monounsaturated Fat 2 g, Cholesterol 1 mg, Sodium 196 mg, Carbohydrate 27 g, Fiber 3 g, Protein 7 g, Potassium 379 mg. Daily Values: Vitamin C 25%, Iron 20%. Exchanges: Starch 1.5,Fat 1.
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Taken from

Friday, September 09, 2011

Relaxation Helps You Improve Your Health, Physically and Mentally

Relaxation Helps You Improve Your Health, Physically and Mentally from lanaholt on Vimeo.  Learning Relaxation Techniques Improve Your Health, Physically and Mentally

Relaxation techniques help you reduce stress and live a happier healthier life.

Anyone can learn to relax, it just takes time and concentration. Learning relaxation techniques help you: slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, slow your breathing rate, increase blood flow to major muscles, reduce muscle tension, reduce chronic pain, improve concentration, reduce anger and frustration, boost confidence to handle problems, and help you sleep better.

There are several types of relaxation techniques. Here are just a few:

Meditation or concentration. In this technique you focus on something. It can be the flow of your breath in and out of your lungs, thinking about making the breathing slower and slower each time. Or you can repeat a calming word over and over again.  You would usually find a peaceful place where you can block out any distractions.

Progressive muscle relaxation. In this technique you learn what the difference is between tense and relaxed muscles. You can work your way up or down your body, tensing each body part for a few seconds the breathing relaxation into it. It works especially well when you work through parts of the body that hold the most tension like the neck, shoulders and back.

Visualization. In this technique, you imagine or visualize a calming image. It can be a place or an image that helps you concentrate and relax. The more of your five senses you can bring into the exercise the more real it becomes and the more relaxation you can feel. For example, if you visualize a beach, you should smell the salt air, feel the mist from the waves, hear the crashing waves, and see the beautiful water.

Relaxation techniques take practice so be patient with yourself if you find it hard to concentrate on your first try. Continued repetition will make it easier each time and it will become second nature. Try adding a few minutes of relaxation into your daily workout routine for better mental as well as physical health today.

Please LIKE my page at where I post more videos like this.

Long Awaited Preview to P90X2

Not your grandpa's workout... You need to watch the warning before the workout videos.. They are hilarious!

Power90 broke the mold. P90X pushed the envelope. P90X2 shatters the mold, crushes the envelope, and ignites a sports science revolution. Here's a breif glimpse into the future of fitness. If you choose to pick up the gauntlet you can get this through me and get 2 extra workouts.

Human functionality occurs in the shape of an "X" across the body from one arm down down through the core to the foot, and the same on the other side. This is the next evolution of that "X."

This ain't your granddaddy's workout. X2 Total Body combines resistance and instability to ensure your body uses the correct muscles in the given movement. 

By keeping our shoulders and arms strong and in balance, we can avoid breakdowns. And that - along with looking good in short-sleeved shirts - is the philosophy behind the creation of X2 Shoulders + Arms.

Clearing Out My Inventory

I have few workouts that I’m clearing out of my inventory. So, it’s a good time to try one of them. Since they are on clearance, I won’t charge shipping within the US, but note all sales are final, no returns, refunds or exchanges. Here are your choices should you want one:

1    P90X – Extreme bootcamp - (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $120, Clearance Total Cost = $100

2    Kathy Smith’s Project You – Type II Diabetes Workout Program – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $100, Clearance Total Cost - $60

3    INSANITY – Extreme bootcamp – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $120, Clearance Total Cost = $100

4    Turbo Jam – Kickboxing workout – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

5    Hip Hop Abs – Dance workout – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

6    Brazil Butt Lift – Sculpting/Cardio workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

7    Power 90 – Beginner/Moderate Bootcamp – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

8    Yoga Booty Ballet – Mind/Body dance/sculpting workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $40, Clearance Total Cost = $20

9    Slim in 6 – Classic cardio/sculpting workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

(Note: all bands and weights are not included in the programs. They are easily purchases at any sporting goods store.)

You need to contact me directly to order one. If you are paying by check, I need to receive prior to shipping. If you use paypal, I will ship as soon as I get the payment email. If you are local, we can meet to exchange product for payment. You can contact me at to arrange the method or answer any questions about the programs.

Program Overview Below:

Lose Weight & Get Healthy with This 10 Day Fitness Kick Start

Lose Weight & Get Healthy with This 10 Day Fitness Kick Start from lanaholt on Vimeo.

10 Day Fitness Kick Start

Does this sound familiar? Have you said any of the below?

I don’t want to wear a bathing suit.
I don’t want to go shopping, I can’t find anything that fits.
I feel fat.
I hate my body.
I don’t have anything to wear, nothing fits.
I’m just going to starve myself.

I didn’t pull these comments out of the air. I’ve either said them or thought them at sometime in my life. It’s not easy getting fit, especially when you are not used to it. It takes brute force to change a habit. But, I want to help you with that. Join me and kick start your way to a healthier, happier life.

You can do anything for 10 days. My 10 Day Fitness Kick Start is a way to prove to yourself that you can do it. What have you got to lose?

Join me and kick start your way to achieving your fitness goals. I'm here to help keep you on track. What we usually lack when we try to achieve our fitness goals is accountability. We, also, don't give our nutrition the weight it deserves. 80% of our success at losing weight is diet and nutrition. In addition we are going to get in the mental game and get in touch with what our motivations are and strive to become better people in the process.

PLEASE READ THE BELOW CAREFULLY so you know what is required and what you need to do to be involved... Questions? Email me at

Our START DATE is Saturday September 24th. So, I must receive your Shakeology payment no later than Friday August 5th in order to make sure you get your supply in time.

During this 10 Day Intensive, you will:

1. Join my free website and enjoy all the fitness tools. Click JOIN then FREE membership.

2. Workout for a minimum of 30 minutes a day

3. Keep a detailed food journal, noting how you feel at each meal. I highly recommend using for your journal.

4. Replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology. I will send you a 10 day supply, which is 10 packets. Total cost = $60** (Or you can order a 30 day supply from my website for $130

5. Read some of a self improvement book each day. Options: read 10 pages a day or listen to 15 minutes a day minimum.

6. Email me the following checklist each night before you go to bed:
a. Food journal for the day (unless you are using
b. Did you workout for 30 minutes?
c. Did you read/listen?
d. Challenges/Accomplishments

I will only take 5 people for this 10 Day Fitness Intensive. So, if you want to join in, you need to email me asap at I have to receive your email no later than midnight Pacific Time, Friday, September 16th. In the email please include the following:

1. What are your fitness goals?
2. What is your primary workout going to be for the 10 days***?
3. What book are you committing to*?
4. Verify that you have joined my site at
5. What flavor/flavors of Shakeology do you want me to send you**? I recommend a mix of half Chocolate and half Greenberry for variety. If you are ordering only 10 packets, you can send your payment of $60 through paypal to If you are ordering the 30 day supply, you can order it from (If you need help with this, send me your phone number and a good time to call).

I look forward to helping you reach your fitness goals! Now get going!


* Book List. Choose one of these:
The Magic of Thinking Big -- David Schwartz
Slight Edge Secret of a Successful Life --
The Compound Effect --
Eat the Frog -- Brian Tracy

** If you are ordering the 10 day supply of Shakeology, I'm pulling these from my individual packets that I have at home, so that is why you need to pay me via paypal vs. my website. In addition, there will be no returns on the packets that I sell. I cannot get refunded for the individual packets from Beachbody. If you order the 30 day supply bag, that is through my website so it's from Beachbody. That means that if you really don't like it, you can return it directly to them. The bag is the better deal because you are getting 30 days for approximately $130 with tax (you get free shipping if you order it on Home Direct or autoship). That is $4.30 each vs. $6.00 each from me. (Please feel free to email me with any questions

*** I have few workouts that I’m clearing out of my inventory. So, it’s a good time to try one of them. Since they are on clearance, I won’t charge shipping within the US, but note all sales are final, no returns, refunds or exchanges. You need to contact me directly to order one. If you are paying by check, I need to receive prior to shipping. If you use paypal, I will ship as soon as I get the payment email. If you are local, we can meet to exchange product for payment. Here are your choices should you want one:

1    P90X – Extreme bootcamp - (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $120, Clearance Total Cost = $100

2    Kathy Smith’s Project You – Type II Diabetes Workout Program – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $100, Clearance Total Cost - $60

3    INSANITY – Extreme bootcamp – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $120, Clearance Total Cost = $100

4    Turbo Jam – Kickboxing workout – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

5    Hip Hop Abs – Dance workout – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

6    Brazil Butt Lift – Sculpting/Cardio workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

7    Power 90 – Beginner/Moderate Bootcamp – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

8    Yoga Booty Ballet – Mind/Body dance/sculpting workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $40, Clearance Total Cost = $20

9    Slim in 6 – Classic cardio/sculpting workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40

(Note: all bands and weights are not included in the programs. They are easily purchases at any sporting goods store.)

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Adding Fiber to Your Diet for Health and Weightloss

Adding Fiber to Your Diet for Health and Weightloss from lanaholt on Vimeo.

We hear alot about adding fiber to our diet. But, why do I need it, how much do I need and how do I add it to my diet? I hope to touch on each of these questions.

Soluble fiber, found in beans, fruits, and more, aids in satiety (helping you feel full). Insoluble fiber, found in wheat bran, whole grains, nuts, vegetables, and other foods, helps keep your digestive system regular.

According to the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, the daily needs of men and women for fiber differ, and change as they age:

Age 50 and younger
Women: 25 grams
Men: 38 grams

Age 51 and older
Women: 21 grams
Men: 30 grams

Here are some low carb high fiber foods to add to your diet:

1. AVOCADO. One whole, medium avocado contains 17 grams of carbohydrate and 11 grams of fiber.

2. ARTICHOKE. A medium artichoke contains about 14 grams of carbs and 10 grams of fiber. Artichokes contain antioxidants, vitamin C, folate, potassium and magnesium. A medium artichoke also delivers 4 grams of protein.

3. RASPBERRIES. A cup contains 15 grams of carbs and 8 grams of fiber. High in vitamin C and several other nutrients, they are packed with antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties as well. The phytochemicals that make plant foods red, orange, or blue are potent disease fighters.

4. BLACKBERRIES. Like raspberries, blackberries are rich in health-giving pigments that give them their, deep blue-black coloring. They deliver the same amount of carbohydrate and fiber as raspberries, too. A cup contains 15 grams of carbs and 8 grams of fiber.

5. LENTILS. One half-cup of lentils contains about 10 grams of carbs and 8 grams of fiber. Lentils fall into the food category known as legumes, which are veggies that grow in pods. Legumes are great sources of protein and fiber, but also contain lots of health-giving compounds. One type is called saponins, which may help lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels and reduce disease risks.

6. BROCCOLI. One cup of broccoli contains just 9 grams of carbs and a nice 6 grams of fiber. Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, and these superfoods are known to have anti-cancer properties, among a host of other body benefits.

7. OATMEAL. A cup of cooked oatmeal contains 27 grams of carbs and 4 grams of fiber. Though 4 grams is not a huge amount, oat fiber contains beta-glucan, a special kind of soluble fiber known to help people feel full longer and improve cholesterol numbers. Use old-fashioned rolled oat or steel-cut oats for the best health bang for your buck. These are the least processed varieties and retain the most nutrients and fiber.

There are alot more ways to add fiber to your diet. Do your research, try new things and enjoy the feeling you get when you give your body what it needs.

Please LIKE my page at where I post more videos like this.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I'm Back and I Will Be Posting Like Crazy!

This is a warning for those of you that are subscribed to this blog. I will be moving all my posts from another blog to this one. That could be 10 posts a day for awhile! Yikes. If you are getting auto updates, you may want to unsubscribe for awhile so you don't get inundated. If you are viewing this via email, there should be a link in the email to edit your subscription. This is a friendly warning, I can't modify your subscription. So, follow their directions please.

Happy Blogging. =]

Sunday, May 08, 2011

I've moved on up to bigger and better things.

I've moved my blog to Please visit me there to get more fitness tips, my teaching schedule, choreography ideas, and my Zumba playlists. See you soon!