Tuesday, January 01, 2013

How to Eat Cleaner - Day 1 of 31 - Food Log

How to Eat Cleaner - Day 1 of 31 - Food Log

Hello everyone. I'm so excited that you decided to join me in our 31 days to cleaner or healthier eating. Each one of these videos will have 1 simple concept for you to chew on. It's your choice what you do with it. Try it for a day, a week, a month or implement for your entire life. My hope is it helps you open your mind to learning about fueling your body more healthily.

Today is about reflection. Start keeping a food journal. It can be as detailed as you want and you can use any method you want. I have used apps on my iPhone and Excel documents depending on what my focus was. I would recommend looking backwards too. Look back at the last week or so and record what you can remember. This will help you get a better understanding of your habits. You can even record what you were feeling, why you ate what you did.. The journal can help you identify where you can improve.

An example of a couple journal entries would be. Breakfast. I was running late for work so I drove through McDonald's and got an egg McMuffin. Asked them to hold the butter and I removed the egg yolks. I realize I need to plan better next time. Lunch. Ate my kale salad I prepared the night before with my home made balsamic vinegar. Loved the added walnuts. Snack. Ate a dough nut in the break room. My boss was driving me crazy. Need to bring some healthier stress snacks tomorrow. These were more general. I highly recommend at least 1 day of measuring everything out. It's very eye opening.

The purpose of the food journal is to identify areas of improvement, not to get crazy anal retentive. As a recovering bulimic. I know that these things can get out of control. So, keep your focus on, we are trying to get healthier, not skinnier. A healthy body looks different for everyone. We should aim for strong, fit and happy.

Thanks for your time. This is Coach Lana and I would love for you to join me at http://facebook.com/coachlana so we can connect.

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