Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to Eat Cleaner - Day 21 of 31 - Pre, During, Post Workout Nutrition

How to Eat Cleaner - Day 21 of 31 - Pre, During, Post Workout Nutrition

Hello everyone. I'm so excited that you decided to join me in our 31 days to cleaner or healthier eating. Each one of these videos will have 1 simple concept for you to chew on. It's your choice what you do with it. Try it for a day, a week, a month or implement for your entire life. My hope is it helps you open your mind to learning more about fueling your body more healthily. 

Hello everyone. I'm so excited that you decided to join me in our 31 days to cleaner or healthier eating. Each one of these videos will have 1 simple concept for you to chew on. It's your choice what you do with it. Try it for a day, a week, a month or implement for your entire life. My hope is it helps you open your mind to learning more about fueling your body more healthily.

Part of cleaning up what we eat is getting educated and alot of these videos focus on awareness.

Today we talk about pre, post, and during workout nutrition, this is another topic that could be pages and pages.  Here is just a brief overview, please research for yourself if you want to dig deeper.

These are general guidelines and will vary for everyone due to athletic performance, physical condition, etc.

Pre workout nutrition. I'm assuming you are eating healthy meals every 2-5 hours. So this is just a pre workout energy snack. A pre workout meal is usually eaten about an hour before you workout, so it needs to be about 300 calories. Too many and it won't be digested enough. Research suggests ti can be 1:2 - 1:3 ration of protein to carbs. The carbohydrate source should be complex, healthy carbs, not a candy bar. Examples, banana with peanut butter, oatmeal with protein powder, half a sandwich.

Pre workout nutrition will help you workout harder and sustain energy during the workout so you can get more from your workout. So, if you are not used to eating before play with the ratio and calories to find out what works for you.

During workout. Not many people address this subject. It's mainly for folks that workout  very hard. But, whether you push it extremely hard or not, an electrolyte drink is helpful in helping you be able to keep pushing hard through the workout. Coconut water is one of the best if you are trying to eat clean. It's easily absorbed and utilized because it's very close to your intracellular fluid. Gatorade is also a good source, but is very strong and most light to medium intensity folks may want to dilute it about 50% to still get the benefits.

Post workout nutrition. It's important to refuel your muscles after a workout within 1 hour. It's the magic window. If you want to be able to workout hard and avoid extreme soreness so you can go hard again the next day follow the 1 hour rule. Research has shown that 1:3 - 1:6 protein to carb ratio is good for replenishing glycogen stores. It's important to eat the carbohydrates so the muscle can utilize the protein. So, the first post workout snack should be high carb, low protein. Most people think the opposite. The muscles can only absorb so much protein, it's the carbohydrates that help them absorb it. Post workout recovery drinks are one of the easiest ways to be sure to get your nutrition in. It's up to you, but I know I cannot get home within an hour so I always bring one with me for my post workout nutrition. You'll have to play with what works with you.

Play around with your food and see what foods help you workout better and recover better. See what works for you. This is different for everyone.

Thanks for your time. This is Coach Lana and I would love for you to join me at so we can connect.

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