Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Can I Eat Eggs? Is Egg Yolk Bad For Me?

You need to decide for yourself whether eggs should be on your table or not. But, here are some pieces of info that may surprise you.

You get high quality protein from egg whites and the egg yolks. Half of the protein and other nutrients in the egg is in the yolk itself.

Eggs are a nutrient dense food and great source of high quality protein. At around 70 calories per egg, they have about 13 vitamins and minerals. Most of the fat in eggs is unsaturated.

Research has shown that eating about one egg per day does not result in significant changes in serum lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels. But, you need to be wise. If high cholesterol is a problem, consult your physician.

Studies have shown that eggs today contain 14% less cholesterol than they used to. A possible reason is improved feed given to hens. So, yes, it matters what the hens eat. Another argument for going organic. Just my 2 cents here.  Organic eggs are produced by hens given feed grown without most conventional pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or commercial fertilizers.

So, should you add eggs or not? They are a very inexpensive, nutrient dense, easy to prepare food. I always have hard boiled eggs in my fridge. It's so easy to grab an egg when I'm in a hurry and need some sustenance. Something to think about.

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