Lose Weight & Get Healthy with This 10 Day Fitness Kick Start from lanaholt on Vimeo.
10 Day Fitness Kick Start
Does this sound familiar? Have you said any of the below?
I don’t want to wear a bathing suit.
I don’t want to go shopping, I can’t find anything that fits.
I feel fat.
I hate my body.
I don’t have anything to wear, nothing fits.
I’m just going to starve myself.
I didn’t pull these comments out of the air. I’ve either said them or thought them at sometime in my life. It’s not easy getting fit, especially when you are not used to it. It takes brute force to change a habit. But, I want to help you with that. Join me and kick start your way to a healthier, happier life.
You can do anything for 10 days. My 10 Day Fitness Kick Start is a way to prove to yourself that you can do it. What have you got to lose?
Join me and kick start your way to achieving your fitness goals. I'm here to help keep you on track. What we usually lack when we try to achieve our fitness goals is accountability. We, also, don't give our nutrition the weight it deserves. 80% of our success at losing weight is diet and nutrition. In addition we are going to get in the mental game and get in touch with what our motivations are and strive to become better people in the process.
PLEASE READ THE BELOW CAREFULLY so you know what is required and what you need to do to be involved... Questions? Email me at coachlana@beachbodycoach.com
Our START DATE is Saturday September 24th. So, I must receive your Shakeology payment no later than Friday August 5th in order to make sure you get your supply in time.
During this 10 Day Intensive, you will:
1. Join my free website and enjoy all the fitness tools. www.coachlana.com. Click JOIN then FREE membership.
2. Workout for a minimum of 30 minutes a day
3. Keep a detailed food journal, noting how you feel at each meal. I highly recommend using www.myfitnesspal.com for your journal.
4. Replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology. I will send you a 10 day supply, which is 10 packets. Total cost = $60** (Or you can order a 30 day supply from my website for $130 www.shakelana.com)
5. Read some of a self improvement book each day. Options: read 10 pages a day or listen to 15 minutes a day minimum.
6. Email me the following checklist each night before you go to bed:
a. Food journal for the day (unless you are using www.myfitnesspal.com)
b. Did you workout for 30 minutes?
c. Did you read/listen?
d. Challenges/Accomplishments
I will only take 5 people for this 10 Day Fitness Intensive. So, if you want to join in, you need to email me asap at coachlana@beachbodycoach.com I have to receive your email no later than midnight Pacific Time, Friday, September 16th. In the email please include the following:
1. What are your fitness goals?
2. What is your primary workout going to be for the 10 days***?
3. What book are you committing to*?
4. Verify that you have joined my site at www.coachlana.com
5. What flavor/flavors of Shakeology do you want me to send you**? I recommend a mix of half Chocolate and half Greenberry for variety. If you are ordering only 10 packets, you can send your payment of $60 through paypal to holt.lana@gmail.com If you are ordering the 30 day supply, you can order it from www.shakelana.com (If you need help with this, send me your phone number and a good time to call).
I look forward to helping you reach your fitness goals! Now get going!
* Book List. Choose one of these:
The Magic of Thinking Big -- David Schwartz
Slight Edge Secret of a Successful Life --
The Compound Effect --
Eat the Frog -- Brian Tracy
** If you are ordering the 10 day supply of Shakeology, I'm pulling these from my individual packets that I have at home, so that is why you need to pay me via paypal vs. my website. In addition, there will be no returns on the packets that I sell. I cannot get refunded for the individual packets from Beachbody. If you order the 30 day supply bag, that is through my website www.shakelana.com so it's from Beachbody. That means that if you really don't like it, you can return it directly to them. The bag is the better deal because you are getting 30 days for approximately $130 with tax (you get free shipping if you order it on Home Direct or autoship). That is $4.30 each vs. $6.00 each from me. (Please feel free to email me with any questions coachlana@beachbodycoach.com)
*** I have few workouts that I’m clearing out of my inventory. So, it’s a good time to try one of them. Since they are on clearance, I won’t charge shipping within the US, but note all sales are final, no returns, refunds or exchanges. You need to contact me directly to order one. If you are paying by check, I need to receive prior to shipping. If you use paypal, I will ship as soon as I get the payment email. If you are local, we can meet to exchange product for payment. Here are your choices should you want one:
1 P90X – Extreme bootcamp - (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $120, Clearance Total Cost = $100
2 Kathy Smith’s Project You – Type II Diabetes Workout Program – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $100, Clearance Total Cost - $60
3 INSANITY – Extreme bootcamp – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $120, Clearance Total Cost = $100
4 Turbo Jam – Kickboxing workout – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40
5 Hip Hop Abs – Dance workout – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40
6 Brazil Butt Lift – Sculpting/Cardio workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40
7 Power 90 – Beginner/Moderate Bootcamp – (I have 2 sets) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40
8 Yoga Booty Ballet – Mind/Body dance/sculpting workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $40, Clearance Total Cost = $20
9 Slim in 6 – Classic cardio/sculpting workout – (I have 1 set) Retail cost = $60, Clearance Total Cost = $40
(Note: all bands and weights are not included in the programs. They are easily purchases at any sporting goods store.)