Got this great recipe from a friend, Kristine! I just made some changes to make it yummier to me. =]
2 Cups fresh cranberries
10 Gloves of garlic
1/3 Cup olive oil
1/4 Cup lemon juice
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1/4 Cup agave nectar
2 Tbsp finely sliced lemon peel
8 cups chopped kale
2 Cups cooked black rice
1 Large fennel bulb cut into thin strips
1-2 Cups chopped walnuts toasted
1 Red bell pepper thinly sliced
1/2 Red onion thinly sliced
Placed cranberries and unpeeled olive cloves in Ziploc with a little olive oil, Himalayan salt, & pepper to taste. Shake it up to coat, then bake in the oven at 375 for about 25 minutes.
For dressing combine garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, agave, lemon peel with salt & pepper to taste. Blend to desired consistency.
Combine everything with dressing and toss.
It makes alot! So it's great for a big family meal or for ready made salads for about a week depending on if it's a side salad or a meal salad. I use it as a meal salad and it lasts me about 4-5 days. But, I chow on it like a starving bunny!
Health, fitness evangelist & expert! Christian, wife, dog lover, scifi geek, vegan, optimist, Zumba instructor & more. Love sharing health & fitness tips and connecting with fellow instructors!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Foam Rolling - IT Band - Knee Injury Prevention
The IT band or Iliotibial band runs from the hip to the knee and is crucial in stabilizing the knee during activities such as running, biking, or anything with knee joint movement. Foam rolling and myofascial release in the area of the IT band has been known to help with imbalances in the knee hip area. But it is very important to see your physician and follow their directions if you are trying to heal from an injury. IT band rolling can be used with stretching for injury prevention.
IT Band rolling technique: Ly sideways positioning the foam roller under your hip. Use your top leg with bent knee to the front of you, placing your foot flat on the floor for extra stability. You can use both hands on the floor or go to your elbows to give the wrist a break. You should have contracted abs and relax your face and shoulders to help relieve any tension during rolling. From the hip area, very slowly roll up as the foam roller rolls down the leg just above the knee. Note any particularly painful, burning areas. These are usually areas where you want to spend extra time. Let the roller press into these areas for about 10-30 seconds, depending on your comfort level. Breathe deeply and slowly, relaxing your face and shoulders. Contract your abs for extra support. You can spend about 2-4 or more minutes rolling 1 side of the body, then move onto the next when you are ready.
If you have never foam rolled, it will most likely be very uncomfortable and painful. It can feel like a burning sensation. Be kind to yourself and start slow. You don't have to sit on a particular area long. Keep rolling gently and slowly over the whole side of the let till you are ready to focus on one area. Be patient.
Got questions? Feel free to contact me
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Live a Life Without Regrets. Tips To Live a Happy Healthy Life.
Live a Life Without Regrets
Hello I’m Lana Holt, a health & fitness coach. I’ve been working in the fitness industry since 1999 and I’m going to share some tips on how to live a life without regrets with you.
In the past year I had a friend and an uncle die and it made me think. Am I living a life without regrets?
What comes to mind when you think, live a life without regrets?
For some it’s throwing caution to the wind. Having fun, enjoying life.
For others it’s eating right, exercising, saving money, etc.
They actually both belong together and we will address both.
Can you say you truly live your life?
Do you live a life without daily regrets?
Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now? Looking back saying, “I wish I…”.
Life is short. The past is the past, we cannot dwell on that. We have to live for here now and the future, knowing that it is never too late to change. Take a risk, take a chance, really live. What are you afraid of? Which is more crippling the fear of taking the risk or the regret of doing nothing? Have fun, kick your shoes off and jump into the cold water. After you’ve swum around for awhile you will warm up and enjoy the experience.
I’m not just talking about jumping out of airplanes. Dance on the dance floor at a wedding when no one else is out there, dress up for Halloween, laugh out loud, sing at the top of your lungs… What else?
A life without regrets is not just about taking risks, but also about living smart. If you eat what you eat now, workout like you workout now, spend like you spend now, where will you be in 5-10 years. Happier, healthier, more secure?
Live for now and the future…
What is one fun thing you can do this week that you have been afraid to do?
What is one way you can change your diet this week to make it healthier?
What is one way you can add more physical activity to your week?
What is one way you can save money this week?
OK. Start now! Start now, or say I wish I…. a day from now, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now. No regrets. Start now!
Connect with me on Facebook or email me at
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
High Energy Pre Workout Steel Cut Oatmeal Breakfast
This is a hearty, high energy breakfast. I only eat this before a very intense workout like Zumba, Turbo Fire, Turbo Kick, P90X, INSANITY, etc. I eat it about 1.5 hours before hand, so I have enough time to digest. This is my go to before my 2 hours of crazy teaching every Wednesday. I could not last the 2 hours without a hearty breakfast.
Combine all ingredients and enjoy:
1 cup steel cut oatmeal (cook per directions on container)
1/2 cup toasted walnuts
2 TBS flax meal
2 TBS Hemp seeds
2 TBS Almond Butter (no salt or sugar)
1/2 Frozen fruit (blueberries, raspberries, etc.)
2 TBS Grade B Maple Syrup
Use organic ingredients where available.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
How to Become an Aerobics Instructor. What Training Do You Need to Be a Group Exercise Instructor??
Get Trained: How to Become a Fitness Instructor
If you have a passion for fitness and helping others, becoming a group fitness instructor may be for you. But, it can be a little confusing trying to figure out where to start.
Ask yourself what is your favorite class? That would be a good place to start. Find out if that type of class needs a specific type of training. For example, you have to take Zumba training to teach Zumba and you need to take Turbo Kick training to teach Turbo Kick.
After you find out if you need format specific training, you need to figure out where you want to teach. Some clubs require additional training for their instructors. For example, many clubs require what is called a national group exercise certification. This training deals with a lot of safety, anatomy, and fitness topics that are not covered in format specific training. 2 well known organization that do general group exercise certifications are AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, ) and ACE (American Council on Exercise, ). There are lots of others. Find out what the facility that you want to train at prefers. Also, many facilities require CPR and AED training so that you can react in case of an emergency.
In addition, if it is allowed, you may want to shadow or be mentored by a seasoned instructor. Work with them one on one fine tuning your queuing, class formatting and maybe even teaching a part of their class to gain confidence.
Every club is different. So, it’s important to know what is required of you so you are prepared to start your fitness journey.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
Monday, October 08, 2012
Recipe: Vegan Raspberry Herb Vinaigrette Salad Dressing
I try to avoid processed foods and all the chemicals they contain. So, I love to make my own salad dressing. It's easy and fun to play with the ingredients. I rarely make the dressing the same way twice but here is an estimate of my latest easy dressing. Enjoy.
Vegan Raspberry Herb Vinaigrette
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2 TBS agave
2 TBS lemon juice
4-6 sprigs or stems of parsley and cilantro
Any other herbs to taste
Himalayan salt to taste (I often forget this)
Blend. Makes about 6-8 servings for small side salads.
Vegan Raspberry Herb Vinaigrette
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2 TBS agave
2 TBS lemon juice
4-6 sprigs or stems of parsley and cilantro
Any other herbs to taste
Himalayan salt to taste (I often forget this)
Blend. Makes about 6-8 servings for small side salads.
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
I Can Help You Become a Fitness Professional - Aerobics Instructor, Group Exercise Instructor, Fitness Instructor
Who Am I? Coach Lana. Helping you on your fitness career journey.
Hello I’m Coach Lana and I’ve been working in the fitness for over 10 years. My passion is helping people get started and improving their fitness careers. Please subscribe to my channel if you have even the smallest urge to become a fitness instructor (aerobics instructor) or want to take your career to the next level. I promise you won’t be disappointed. I’m currently a group exercise instructor and online fitness coach. I have been on both sides of the fence. I have been a group exercise manager and presenter that trained new instructors. Plus my personal mentors that have trained me up on how to be successful are some of the most successful people in the fitness industry. One of them being Chalene Johnson herself.
I’m a quirky Christian vegan with lots of dogs and a love of tech and scifi and I would love to help you with your fitness career. If you have questions like: how do I get started, how do I put a class together, who do I contact to get a job and how do I get their attention, please subscribe. I would love to connect with you and help you on your fitness career path.
Please subscribe to my channel and feel free to contact me with your questions at or comment below. (I do filter comments because of the strange drunk 3 am ones I see on my channel sometimes. I hope you understand.)
Again I thank you for watching. I feel blessed to be sharing this. I’ve been influenced by some of the best in the industry such as Beto Perez, Chalene Johnson, Tony Horton, Richard Simmons, Kathy Smith, Shaun T, Rob Glick, Skip Jennings, and so many more. Bless someone today.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
RECIPE: Ha Ha Healthy Customized Chocolate Candy
Sometimes you just want some candy. You might have particular tastes or dietary concerns. It's fun and easy to customize your yummy concoction!
Your choice of chocolate, nuts, fruit, Himalayan salt...
I used dark chocolate, raisins, currants, walnuts and Himalayan salt.
I use a toaster oven. It makes it so easy. Put aluminum foil on a toaster oven tray. Layout all ingredients evenly on tray and place chocolate on top. Put in toaster oven on 115 or less for about 10 minutes. The chocolate will melt and you can blend all the ingredients together. Then place the tray with the gooey concoction in the fridge. In about 30 minutes, you have your candy. Just lift the foil off the tray and carefully crack the chocolate off into pieces. Store in a dry container. Enjoy.
Your choice of chocolate, nuts, fruit, Himalayan salt...
I used dark chocolate, raisins, currants, walnuts and Himalayan salt.
I use a toaster oven. It makes it so easy. Put aluminum foil on a toaster oven tray. Layout all ingredients evenly on tray and place chocolate on top. Put in toaster oven on 115 or less for about 10 minutes. The chocolate will melt and you can blend all the ingredients together. Then place the tray with the gooey concoction in the fridge. In about 30 minutes, you have your candy. Just lift the foil off the tray and carefully crack the chocolate off into pieces. Store in a dry container. Enjoy.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Dealing with Angry Face: How to Become a Fitness Instructor, Group Exercise Instructor, Aerobics Instructor
Dealing with Angry Face: How to Become a Fitness Instructor, Group Exercise Instructor, Aerobics Instructor
Hello I'm Coach Lana and I've been working in the fitness industry since 1999 and I'm going to give you a few pointers to help you deal with that member in class that gives you the angry, I hate you look.
The first thing you need to get comfortable with is, it's not all about you. When you are teaching class and most folks are smiling, hooting, hollering and having a great time, do not fixate on the one student that is giving you a weird look. Every class is going to have one or two.
Second, you have no idea what kind of day, week, month or year that person has had. It may have taken every ounce of energy to get to your class and cracking a smile is just too much to ask. Be ok with that. Plus, that may be their fitness personality. They are all business when working out. Let it go.
Third, try to connect. Make sure to look every member in the eye at least once during the class and smile. Give them a thumbs up or verbal compliment that they are doing good.
Fourth, never pressure them to smile or make noise if they do not want to. It's ok to encourage the class as a whole to smile and make noise, but never ever single out a member. Making them insecure and uncomfortable may scare them away from working out.
Lastly, connect again. As a practice you should show up to class early and leave late so you can connect with your members. Find out their names and talk with them. What is going on in their lives? They may surprise you.
I remember a specific lady that took my classes. She was always in the front row center. Every day she scowled at me and looked like she wanted to kill me. I thought she hated me. One day after class we got to talking and she told me how much she loved my class, she was all smiles and happiness. But, when she worked out, she was all business and scowls. So, it's not all about you or me.
Thanks for watching, please like, thumbs up, plus, comment on my video. I would greatly appreciate it. If you want to contact me:
Friday, September 14, 2012
Gangnam Style Choreography - Simplified for Zumba Fitness Class
No copyright infringement intended. I do not own the rights to this song.
I'm sharing my version of the Gangnam Style PSY choreography with my students that would like to practice it at home. I do not make any money from these videos. I only share them because it makes my students happy.
I'm sharing some aerobic dance choreography for my students, for me, so I don't forget it, and for anyone that wants some ideas. This is just for fun. Yes, I mess up and space out sometime and I look like a crazy person. I simplified this choreography. Please LIKE my FAN page (, where I'm going to keep uploading videos like this. I would really appreciate it.
I'm sharing my version of the Gangnam Style PSY choreography with my students that would like to practice it at home. I do not make any money from these videos. I only share them because it makes my students happy.
I'm sharing some aerobic dance choreography for my students, for me, so I don't forget it, and for anyone that wants some ideas. This is just for fun. Yes, I mess up and space out sometime and I look like a crazy person. I simplified this choreography. Please LIKE my FAN page (, where I'm going to keep uploading videos like this. I would really appreciate it.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Your Audition: How to Become a Fitness Instructor
Your Audition: How to Become a Fitness Instructor
If you want to teach group exercise, you are probably going to have to audition to get the job. Don’t stress, with a little preparation you will be ready to shine. Any reputable club is not going to hand over their most prized possession, their members, without verifying you can handle it.
Every club has different requirements of their instructors, so it’s very important to know what is expected of you. Before you audition, try to find out what they expect from you. Do they want an introduction, a warm up, how much of the class are you going to show them, do they want to see a cool down and stretch, will you be showing 5 minutes or a whole class, will it be one on one with the manager or will you actually be leading a live class? No matter what you find out, be ready for the unexpected, roll with the punches and always have a smile on your face and a good attitude.
Practice for your audition. Try to find an experienced instructor that will help you practice. Use your friends and family as guinea pigs. Ask everyone for feedback and how you did. Be humble, take the feedback and make adjustments. If you practice on your own, try to practice in the room you will be auditioning. Make is real. Talk loud, project, smile, make eye contact with your fake class and go through your audition as if it’s really occurring.
Dress the part. If you are auditioning for a format that has logo wear or a color theme, wear it. Make sure you look camera ready. What is meant by that is full makeup, hair done perfect, outfit clean, neat and flattering. Also be sure to wear your outfit to practice in prior to the audition. You want to make sure it moves and feels right when you are teaching.
Your audition starts the minute you leave your home or work. You never know if the manager auditioning you is in the car next to you. Bring your supporting documentation and copies. Make it easy for the manager. Don’t make them have to make the copies. Supporting documents may include: copies of all your certifications and trainings, CPR card, drivers license, Social Security card, etc. Arrive at least 15 minutes early. You don’t have to check in, you just want to make sure you are not even a minute late. Treat everyone with respect and courtesy from each member you see to the front desk staff. The manager may ask the front desk what their first impression of you was.
During the audition, remember to have fun. This is just another opportunity to shine and gain experience. So no matter what happens, smile and enjoy yourself. Be lighthearted and let the small stuff go.
After the audition, thank the manager for allowing you to audition and be sure to send them a thank you note. Find out from them when they will be getting back to you and when you can follow up with them.
Once you are done, pat yourself on the back. You did it. No matter the outcome, it’s another experience under your belt.
If you have any questions about becoming a fitness instructor, please feel free to contact me
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
3 Ways to Get Healthier Now
If you are trying to:
• Kick start a workout program
• Get over a plateau
• Gain more energy
• Eat healthier
• Drop weight quickly and in a healthy, all natural manner
• Refresh and renew your body after a vacation or holiday
• Heal from an injury or surgery
One of the below options may be for you.
First, you need to stop whining and making excuses.
Second, join me in one of the bellow challenge groups and I will make sure you are successful.
Choice 1: Shakeology 3 Day Kick Start
3 days of the healthiest meal of the day plus all natural, whole foods.
Choice 2: Shakeology Plus a Workout Program
30 - 90 days of Shakeology and a proven workout program with eating plan that gives results.
Choice 3: The Ultimate Reset
A 21 day total body reset. You will be eating 100% whole foods, resulting in cleaning out your body and refreshing and renewing yourself. It's like getting a do over on your physical condition. I personally used this to recover from knee surgery.
Each choice has it's pluses and minuses. If one of them looks interesting, email me at and we can talk. No whiners, you have to be serious about wanting to change. I will hold up my part of the bargain and I expect you to also.
• Kick start a workout program
• Get over a plateau
• Gain more energy
• Eat healthier
• Drop weight quickly and in a healthy, all natural manner
• Refresh and renew your body after a vacation or holiday
• Heal from an injury or surgery
One of the below options may be for you.
First, you need to stop whining and making excuses.
Second, join me in one of the bellow challenge groups and I will make sure you are successful.
Choice 1: Shakeology 3 Day Kick Start
3 days of the healthiest meal of the day plus all natural, whole foods.
Choice 2: Shakeology Plus a Workout Program
30 - 90 days of Shakeology and a proven workout program with eating plan that gives results.
Choice 3: The Ultimate Reset
A 21 day total body reset. You will be eating 100% whole foods, resulting in cleaning out your body and refreshing and renewing yourself. It's like getting a do over on your physical condition. I personally used this to recover from knee surgery.
Each choice has it's pluses and minuses. If one of them looks interesting, email me at and we can talk. No whiners, you have to be serious about wanting to change. I will hold up my part of the bargain and I expect you to also.
Recipe: UGLY Kale & Green Beans Salad with Blueberry Dressing
UGLY Kale & Green Beans Salad with Blueberry Dressing
(Modified from recipe from Whole Foods)
1/2 pound small fresh green beans, trimmed
1 pint blueberries, divided
4 TBS currants or raisins
1/4 cup unsweetened cooking coconut milk, plus more to taste
2 tablespoons tahini
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 bunch kale, roughly chopped
1/2 cup pecans, toasted
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add green beans and cook until crisp-tender, 1 to 2 minutes. Drain and transfer to a large bowl of ice water until chilled, and then drain again.
Purée 1/2 cup blueberries, coconut milk, tahini and lemon juice in a blender to make a dressing; add more coconut milk, if needed, to reach desired consistency. Transfer to a large bowl, add kale and green beans and toss well. Transfer salad to plates and scatter remaining blueberries, currants and pecans over the top. Add extra blueberries, currants and pecans to taste.
It's ugly! UGLY!!! But it tastes great! I don't think you can have a purple dressing on a green salad and it not be ugly. I was looking at it, thinking, you have got to be kidding. But, yummers. If you are not a kale fan yet, add extra blueberries and currants, it will take the edge off.
Please feel free to share your comments or questions. =]
(Modified from recipe from Whole Foods)
1/2 pound small fresh green beans, trimmed
1 pint blueberries, divided
4 TBS currants or raisins
1/4 cup unsweetened cooking coconut milk, plus more to taste
2 tablespoons tahini
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 bunch kale, roughly chopped
1/2 cup pecans, toasted
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add green beans and cook until crisp-tender, 1 to 2 minutes. Drain and transfer to a large bowl of ice water until chilled, and then drain again.
Purée 1/2 cup blueberries, coconut milk, tahini and lemon juice in a blender to make a dressing; add more coconut milk, if needed, to reach desired consistency. Transfer to a large bowl, add kale and green beans and toss well. Transfer salad to plates and scatter remaining blueberries, currants and pecans over the top. Add extra blueberries, currants and pecans to taste.
It's ugly! UGLY!!! But it tastes great! I don't think you can have a purple dressing on a green salad and it not be ugly. I was looking at it, thinking, you have got to be kidding. But, yummers. If you are not a kale fan yet, add extra blueberries and currants, it will take the edge off.
Please feel free to share your comments or questions. =]
Monday, August 20, 2012
Easy to Advanced Travel or Office Workout
Please be sure to check with your doctor to make sure these exercises are appropriate for you. I'm not there to monitor you and I don't know your medical history. Workout smart. Be sure to also do a warm up, cool down and stretch as part of a safe workout. Never do any exercise that causes sharp pain.
This is a nice basic travel or office workout. Here are some of the basic details.
Basic Warm up: Marches, knee lifts, hamstrings, move arms. About 5-10 minutes.
Do 10 repetitions of each exercise below in the following order:
Squat, pushup, lunge, pushup, plie or sumo squat, pushup with side plank... repeat till you are spent. Increase time as you get more fit.
Squat: feet about hip distance apart like you are standing on skis or railroad tracks, hips press back, chest up, sit back into heals. Keep knees from pushing over toes and track knee between big toe and pinky toe.
Works your lower body.
Push Ups: Wide or narrow arms, hands out at sides even with shoulder/chest line, lower chest as low as you can and lift back up, engage abs, clench rear or tighten glutes.
Side plank option: hand is under shoulder, straight arm but don't lock the elbow out, hips lifted. Can be on knees instead of straight legs.
Works core, arms and some lower body
Lunges: 90/90 with knees, front knee over ankle, back knee towards ground. Keep front knee from going over toes. Front knee tracks between big and pinky toe.
Works lower body
Plie or Sumo Squat: Knees over ankles, toes out to about 45 degrees, knees track between big toe and pinky toe, tuck tail bone under, clench your glutes, engage your abs, keep knees from going over toes.
I hope you enjoy these exercises. Please let me know if you have any questions or have comments.
Basic Seated Tricep Extension & Seated Row
This is a basic seated tricep extension and seated row that is great for seniors and beginners.
Please be sure to check with your doctor to make sure these exercises are appropriate for you. I'm not there to monitor you and I don't know your medical history. Workout smart. Be sure to also do a warm up, cool down and stretch as part of a safe workout. Never do any exercise that causes sharp pain.
This exercise requires a chair and some light, easy to grip dumbbells. Be sure to sit with your feet securely planted on the ground, pull your belly button in to have an active contraction in your abdominals to help support your back. Lead with your chest open to keep the spine in good alignment. We slightly hinge forward and use our other arm for support on our thighs, this helps to take stress off the back. The weighted arm hangs by our side and we lift from the elbow for the seated row. With each lift, feel as if you are squeezing between your shoulder blades in your upper back and then gently lower the weights. Never move in a quick ballistic manner. Always move with control. The same goes for the seated tricep extension. Lift the weighted elbow as if you are doing a seated row and then straighten the arm behind, bend the arm back and lower gently. You should feel the muscle behind the upper arm working. Be sure you don't feel tension in your lower back, shoulders or neck.
I hope you enjoy these exercises. Please let me know if you have any questions or have comments.
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Apple Avocado Jicama Salad (Kale?)
I'm not a cook and I'm lazy. So, this recipe changes almost every time I make it. I tastes light and refreshing. It's great on a hot day or after a vigorous workout. I got the original from the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. If you want more info about that, just email me
Himalayan salt to taste (I don't use much)
2-4 Tbsp. organic agave nectar
1/4 cup organic lime juice
1½ tsp. extra virgin olive oil (I usually forget to add this)
1-4 avocados depending on size and how much you love them, ripe but firm, cut into chunks
Medium jicama root, peeled and sliced in thin matchsticks
1/4 cup chopped fresh organic cilantro leaves
I usually add all ingredients in gallon Ziploc and shake it like crazy! Then stick it in the refrigerator. It's best if you can leave it overnight. It makes alot! A few days of lunches or a great side to take to a party.
Add variety by adding kale. I love cold kale salad with apples, so this is a natural mix. I would put 1/2 kale and 1/2 of the above salad. YUM!
Himalayan salt to taste (I don't use much)
2-4 Tbsp. organic agave nectar
1/4 cup organic lime juice
1½ tsp. extra virgin olive oil (I usually forget to add this)
1-4 avocados depending on size and how much you love them, ripe but firm, cut into chunks
Medium jicama root, peeled and sliced in thin matchsticks
1/4 cup chopped fresh organic cilantro leaves
I usually add all ingredients in gallon Ziploc and shake it like crazy! Then stick it in the refrigerator. It's best if you can leave it overnight. It makes alot! A few days of lunches or a great side to take to a party.
Add variety by adding kale. I love cold kale salad with apples, so this is a natural mix. I would put 1/2 kale and 1/2 of the above salad. YUM!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Subbing Schedule - Extra Classes I'm Teaching
Upcoming subbing schedule:
Tuesday (7/31):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
Wednesday (8/01):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
Monday (8/06):
Body Blast
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Wednesday (8/08):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
Thursday (8/09):
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Sunday (8/12):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Ocean Ranch
Monday (8/13):
Body Blast
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Tuesday (8/14):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
Wednesday (8/15):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
24 Hour Fitness - Orange Chapman
Thursday (8/16):
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Sunday (8/19):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Ocean Ranch
Monday (8/20):
Body Blast
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Monday (8/27):
Body Blast
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
If you have any questions or need more info, please email me at
Tuesday (7/31):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
Wednesday (8/01):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
Monday (8/06):
Body Blast
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Wednesday (8/08):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
Thursday (8/09):
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Sunday (8/12):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Ocean Ranch
Monday (8/13):
Body Blast
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Tuesday (8/14):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
Wednesday (8/15):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Irvine Culver Plaza
24 Hour Fitness - Orange Chapman
Thursday (8/16):
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Sunday (8/19):
Core, Cardio & More
24 Hour Fitness - Ocean Ranch
Monday (8/20):
Body Blast
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
Monday (8/27):
Body Blast
Total Woman Spa - Irvine
If you have any questions or need more info, please email me at
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Recipe - Artichoke Heart Quinoa Lentil Salad
I'm not a lover of cooking. So, I need easy recipes where I can make a lot and eat it all week long. This one was perfect. I had an event going on during the weekend and needed some easy food on the go. I'm also vegan and it's extremely hard to find food when you go to any type of convention. So, I pack what I can.
- 1 can or jar of artichoke hearts (This is to individual taste. I love them, so I jam as many in as possible)
- 1 cup uncooked quinoa
- 1 cup uncooked green lentils
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1/4 cup lime juice
- 1/4 cup fresh chopped cilantro
- 2-4 fat diced green onions
- Himalayan salt to taste (optional)
Cook quinoa & lentils at same time.
Cook quinoa: Rinse quinoa thoroughly and drain. Place 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups water in a medium saucepan with a tight-fitting lid and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a gentle simmer and cook for 15 minutes, or until all water has been absorbed. Remove pan from the heat and let quinoa sit, covered, for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve.
Cook lentils: Place 1 cup lentils in medium saucepan, just cover lentils with water, bring to boil and allow to low boil for about 15 minutes. Lentils should absorb most of the water, if they do not strain them before adding to quinoa.
While quinoa and lentils are cooking chop cilantro, dice green onions, measure out artichoke hearts, lemon juice and lime juice. Add all ingredients once quinoa and lentils are done. Mix thoroughly and place in fridge to chill for at least 1 hour. It tastes much better if you leave overnight. Add Himalayan salt or more lime or lemon juice to taste.
- 1 can or jar of artichoke hearts (This is to individual taste. I love them, so I jam as many in as possible)
- 1 cup uncooked quinoa
- 1 cup uncooked green lentils
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1/4 cup lime juice
- 1/4 cup fresh chopped cilantro
- 2-4 fat diced green onions
- Himalayan salt to taste (optional)
Cook quinoa & lentils at same time.
Cook quinoa: Rinse quinoa thoroughly and drain. Place 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups water in a medium saucepan with a tight-fitting lid and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a gentle simmer and cook for 15 minutes, or until all water has been absorbed. Remove pan from the heat and let quinoa sit, covered, for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve.
Cook lentils: Place 1 cup lentils in medium saucepan, just cover lentils with water, bring to boil and allow to low boil for about 15 minutes. Lentils should absorb most of the water, if they do not strain them before adding to quinoa.
While quinoa and lentils are cooking chop cilantro, dice green onions, measure out artichoke hearts, lemon juice and lime juice. Add all ingredients once quinoa and lentils are done. Mix thoroughly and place in fridge to chill for at least 1 hour. It tastes much better if you leave overnight. Add Himalayan salt or more lime or lemon juice to taste.
Monday, July 16, 2012
A Day with Richard Simmons! The Best Day Ever!
His class was amazing, unforgettable. We were in that hot box like sardines, but no one cared. He taught simple, fun choreography, no cueing needed. The music was blasting and he only turned it down to yell motivations or commands like a drill sergeant. I could have kept going forever!
Once class was over, he stayed till every single person took pics, chatted with him, had him sign t-shirts and again, he talked and connected with everyone. It was an especially special moment for me. He looked me in the eyes and commented on how I moved with such joy in the class. He asked me what I did and I told him I was a fitness instructor, he smiled and said I moved like a gazelle. I teared up and got a huge hug from him. I can't wait to go back!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Happy Birthday to Richard Simmons!
One of my first introductions to fitness was watching Richard Simmons weekly TV show. When I say watch, I literally mean watch. I would sit and enjoy his enthusiasm, stand do a couple steps, then sit again. I wasn't fat, but I wasn't fit. My household was far from healthy and I was not encouraged to be physically active. I was raised by my aunt and uncle who always had a cigarette in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. I thought vegetables came out of cans till I was much older. But, I always had a drive in me to move and sought knowledge on fitness wherever I could. Richard Simmons had a huge impact on me and still does. He has an amazing spirit and meets people where they are. No judgement, just encouragement. I admire that and hope I can be the same encouragement to others. Happy birthday Richard Simmons and many more!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 Review
I love this site! I scoured the web trying to find a Brawndo shirt for my husband's birthday that said "It's got electrolytes," and "The thirst mutilator." There were a few in some sad colors. This was the only one with a bright yellow one. Perfect! This is exactly what he wants. Can't wait to see him in it! Thanks.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Coconut Oil & Honey Hair Conditioning
Coconut oil is great for your skin and all hair types. It softens hair, helps it to shine and adds essential proteins which helps to repair damaged hair. Coconut oil can also help relieve dandruff, psoriasis, and dermatitis. An added bonus is that lauric acid in coconut oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It's just plain great stuff.
When I recently came back from Vegas my hair was so dry and brittle I thought it was going to fall out. So, I tried a coconut oil and honey conditioning hair mask. It was wonderful. My hair came out very soft.
What you will need:
1/2 cup coconut oil (depends on hair thickness and length, so play with this)
2 Tbs Honey (depends on hair thickness and length, so play with this)
Gloves (optional)
1-2 inch painters brush or basting brush (optional)
Old t-shirt (suggested)
Plastic wrap or shower cap
Mix the coconut oil and honey. You can just stir it with the brush, your fingers or blend it in a blender. It's gonna get messy, so don't be afraid to dig in. Then apply all over your hair root to tip either with your fingers or the brush. You may find it easier to separate out strands and do it in small patches. When you have applied all over your hair, put your hair up any way you choose. Wrap with plastic wrap or a shower cap. Leave on for a minimum of 1 hour. If the oil leaks and drips down your neck, enjoy it, rub it into your skin. Coconut oil is great for your skin. Then wash hair as usual.
Now is the time when we show embarrassing hair picture....
Recipe: Coconut Greens
I love this coconut greens recipe. It's very easy and fast. I use collards, beet greens, or kale for my greens.
1/4 or more yellow onion
1/2 or more bunch of greens
1 Tbs coconut oil
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup pine nuts
Himalayan salt to taste
Cut onion and brown with coconut oil, probably a few minutes. Add greens, Himalayan salt, and coconut milk. Simmer low heat for about 10 minutes, may vary depending on how much greens you add. While greens are cooking toast pine nuts on med to low heat. Add pine nuts to greens when greens are done cooking and serve. Yum!
I got this recipe from the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. I use coconut oil instead of olive oil and I use whatever greens I have available. If you want to learn more about the Beachbody Ultimate Reset and how to cleanse the body in a healthy way that does not shock it, please feel free to contact me:
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
What Training Do You Need to Become A Group Exercise Instructor?
Get Trained: How to Become a Fitness Instructor
If you have a passion for fitness and helping others, becoming a group fitness instructor may be for you. But, it can be a little confusing trying to figure out where to start.
Ask yourself what is your favorite class? That would be a good place to start. Find out if that type of class needs a specific type of training. For example, you have to take Zumba training to teach Zumba and you need to take Turbo Kick training to teach Turbo Kick.
After you find out if you need format specific training, you need to figure out where you want to teach. Some clubs require additional training for their instructors. For example, many clubs require what is called a national group exercise certification. This training deals with a lot of safety, anatomy, and fitness topics that are not covered in format specific training. 2 well known organization that do general group exercise certifications are AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, ) and ACE (American Council on Exercise, ). There are lots of others. Find out what the facility that you want to train at prefers. Also, many facilities require CPR and AED training so that you can react in case of an emergency.
In addition, if it is allowed, you may want to shadow or be mentored by a seasoned instructor. Work with them one on one fine tuning your queuing, class formatting and maybe even teaching a part of their class to gain confidence.
Every club is different. So, it’s important to know what is required of you so you are prepared to start your fitness journey.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
Tempeh Pomodoro Recipe
Tempeh Pomodoro
3 Tomatoes
8 ounces tempeh
3 tbsp Braggs liquid aminos
1 tbsp oil
Slice tempeh into bite size pieces. Dice tomatoes. Pan fry tempeh on med to high with oil till golden brown on both sides. Add diced tomatoes, stir & cook till most water cooks off. Add Braggs & simmer for 3-5 minutes.
2 servings
3 Tomatoes
8 ounces tempeh
3 tbsp Braggs liquid aminos
1 tbsp oil
Slice tempeh into bite size pieces. Dice tomatoes. Pan fry tempeh on med to high with oil till golden brown on both sides. Add diced tomatoes, stir & cook till most water cooks off. Add Braggs & simmer for 3-5 minutes.
2 servings
I did not create this recipe. I got it from:
Meditation - Counting Breath 5 Minute Guided Meditation
This is just a suggested relaxing meditation. There are many ways to clear your mind. Here I use counting how long each inhale and exhale is as a way to focus and block out distractions. Be patient with yourselves and just breath. I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Zumba Class Playlists
Here are my Zumba class playlists. I change 1 song per week. Enjoy. =]
1. Glad You Came (Zumba Warm Up Basic) - The Wanted - Glad You Came - Single
2. Dirty Desire Edit (Zumba Warm Up Cardio) -
3. Bust Your Windows (Glee Cast Version) (Zumba Warm up Toning) - Glee Cast - Glee - The Music, Vol. 1
4. Balans - Caribbean Hip-Hop - Zumba Volume 38
5. Upa Ja (Club Remix) (Merengue/Hip Hop) - Zumba Volume 08
6. Pusha Pusha (Axe) - Zumba Volume 25
7. Mujeres Calientes (Merengue) - Zumba Volume 06
8. Loco - Cumbia - Zumba Volume 38
9. Na Ponta Do Pe - Axe - Zumba Volume 30
10. Tremendo Boogaloo (Salsa) - Zumba Volume 15
11. Move It Up (Reggaeton) - Zumba Volume 22
12. Sambadromo (Samba/Capoeira) - Zumba Volume 16
13. La Isla Bonita (Glee Cast Version feat. Ricky Martin) - Glee Cast - La Isla Bonita (Glee Cast Version feat. Ricky Martin) - Single
14. Taking Chances (Glee Cast Version) - Glee Cast Glee - The Music, Vol. 1
1. Glad You Came (Zumba Warm Up Basic) - The Wanted - Glad You Came - Single
2. Bust Your Windows (Glee Cast Version) (Zumba Warm up Toning) - Glee Cast - Glee - The Music, Vol. 1
3. Balans - Caribbean Hip-Hop - Zumba Volume 38
4. Would you? - Lounge / Dance - Zumba Volume Toning 7
5. Lift Karadey - Bhangra - Zumba Volume Toning 6
6. La Candela - Afro Cuban / Latin Punk - Zumba Mega Mix #6
7. Cumbia Del Caribe - Cumbia - Zumba Mega Mix #27
8. Tremendo Boogaloo (Salsa) - Zumba Volume 01
9. Ya Llego El Verano (Merengue) - Zumba Volume 10
10. Dile (Reggaeton) - Zumba Volume 01
11. Sambadromo (Samba/Capoeira) - Zumba Volume 16
12. Super Freak - Rick James
13. Just a Kiss (Zumba cool down stretch) - Lady Antebellum Own the Night
1. Mony Mony (Zumba Warm Up) - Billy Idol - Billy Idol: Greatest Hits
2. Someday (Zumba Warm Up) - The Black Eyed Peas - The Beginning (Deluxe Version)
3. Represent, Cuba - Cha Cha / Cuban Hip Hop - Zumba Mega Mix #6
4. Asereje (cumbia) - Zumba 14 Cañonazos Bailables
5. Chico Snap - Snap With It (Salsa) - Zumba Mega Mix #1
6. Sexy Movimiento (Electronic / Reggaeton) - Zumba Volume 37
7. Estas Perdida (Calypso) - Zumba Volume 21
8. Bimbola - Bachata/Merengue - Zumba Volume 29
9. Bakers Dozen - Big Band - Zumba Gold Volume 6
10. Se Marcho Mi Amor - Tango - Zumba Volume Gold 3
11. A Gozar Todo el Mundo (Merengue House Hip Hop) - Zumba Volume 01
12. Caipirinha - Zumba Fitness
13. Thank You - Cool Down - Zumba Mega Mix #29\11
14. Crazy In Love - (GOLD Balance) - Beyoncé - Dangerously In Love
15. Heart Of The World (Stretch) - Lady Antebellum - Own The Night
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Yummy Sweet Potato Red Pepper & Quinoa Bisque
1 sweet potato (aka garnet yam)
¼ red bell pepper
1 cup vegetable broth or water
1 tsp. finely grated peeled ginger root
1½ tsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp. miso paste, diluted in 1 tsp. hot water
1 cup cooked quinoa
Tamari or Bragg® Liquid Aminos, Himalayan salt, and herbal seasoning (to taste)
Peel and cube sweet potatoes. Cook in boiling water until tender. Drain and set aside. Meanwhile, roast a whole red bell pepper on gas stovetop or grill, turning frequently until evenly charred on the outside OR in your oven at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, turning every 10 minutes or until skin is charred.
Put pepper in bowl and cover with towel for 10 minutes to steam. Clean off skin and seeds by running under cool water. Remove seeds, cut in quarters, and chop one quarter into ½-inch cubes. (Set remainder of pepper aside for another use.)
Place sweet potato, pepper, broth or water, ginger, oil, and miso in blender. (If you want chunky soup, set aside some chunks of pepper.) Blend thoroughly, adding more liquid to achieve desired soup consistency. Add 1 cup cooked quinoa. Transfer to a pot and gently heat on low until hot. Add tamari or aminos, salt, and seasoning as desired. Serves 1.
Recipe adjusted from original in Beachbody Ultimate Reset. I lost 10 lbs on the Beachbody Ultimate Reset and learned alot about eating healthy and balanced. If you would like to learn more, please feel free to contact me at
Easy Lunch Miso Quinoa Soup
2 cups + 2 to 3 Tbsp. water
2 Tbsp. dried wakame seaweed
1 green onion, sliced thinly
1 Tbsp. miso paste (any variety, but make sure it contains no MSG and is non GMO)
1 cup cooked quinoa
Bring 2 cups water to a boil, then remove from heat. In small dish, mix miso paste with remaining water to make a thin paste. Add to boiled water. Stir in seaweed and green onion. Let sit for a few moments, stir, and serve hot. (Never boil miso.) Serves 1.
Recipe modified from original from Beachbody Ultimate Reset. I lost 10 lbs and learned to eat healthier on the Beachbody Ultimate Reset plan. If you want to learn more, feel free to contact me at
My Favorite Breakfast: Brown Rice Cereal
This is a very simple, healthy breakfast:
1. 1 cup cooked brown rice cereal
2. 2 Tbsp toasted walnuts
3. 1 cup seasonal fresh fruit
4. 1 Tbsp grade b maple syrup
Recipe from The Beachbody Ultimate Reset. I lost 10 lbs using the healthy eating plan from the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. If you have questions about The Beachbody Ultimate Reset, please feel free to email me at
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Himalayan Salt vs. Table Salt. Which is Healthier?
Common table salt is empty of nutritional value. After processing, salt is mostly sodium chloride, an unnatural chemical type of salt that our body actually sees as foreign and toxic. It is lacking important minerals that make salt good for us. Commonly sold table salt or chemical table salt is composed of about 97% sodium chloride and 3% chemicals like iodine, absorbents, and sugar. Table salt is also dried at more than 1,200° Fahrenheit and this changes naturally-occurring salt’s structure. Processed salt crystals are completely isolated from one another. In order for our body to metabolize chemical table salt, it must waste a lot of energy trying to keep the body at the necessary fluid balance. This creates an unnecessary burden on the elimination systems in the body. When we ingest table salt, our body cannot dispose of it in a natural, healthy way. Water is also removed from other cells in the system in an attempt to neutralize the unnatural sodium chloride. For each gram of table salt that your system cannot process, your body will use over twenty times the amount of cellular water to neutralize the sodium chloride in the chemically-treated salt. This can lead to water retention, cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, high blood pressure, inflammation of the tissues, as well as kidney and gallbladder stones.
Himalayan crystal salt is far superior to traditional iodized salt which is extremely toxic. Himalayan salt is millions of years old. It is a pure form of salt, untouched by many of the toxins and pollutants that are common in other forms of ocean salt or sea salt.
Himalayan Crystal Salt contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body. This crystal form of salt has also been maturing over the past 250 million years under intense tectonic pressure, creating an environment of zero exposure to toxins and impurities.
Its minerals exist in a colloidal form, meaning that they are tiny enough for our cells to easily absorb them.
The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt may include:
- Encouraging blood sugar health
- Lowering incidence of sinus problems
- Reducing muscle cramps
- Increasing bone strength
- Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns
- Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning
- Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
- Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging
- Promoting the increased absorption of food within the intestinal tract
- Aiding vascular health
- Supporting healthy respiratory function
- Creating a healthy libido
- Reduces chances of developing rheumatism, arthritis and gout, when compared to common chemically-treated salt
- Reduces chances of developing kidney and gall bladder stones, when compared to common chemically-treated salt
Friday, May 11, 2012
Week 1 Recap Beachbody Ultimate Reset. Healthy Cleanse.
Week 1 Recap Beachbody Ultimate Reset. Healthy Cleanse.
Hello this is Coach Lana and I'm doing the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. I just finished Week 1. This is day 8.
1. I decided to do the Reset for a couple reasons. 1st I had knee surgery. During the recovery of the last 2 knee surgeries I had, I gained about 10lbs each and it was hard taking some of the weight off. I still have not taken all of it off. I just did not want to gain weight during this recovery process. 2nd I have a horrible sugar habit that I want to kill. So far so good. I find I’m not craving as often and I’m hoping by the end I will have created a new habit. 3rd I’m trying to reduce significantly the amount of animal products I eat. Since the Ultimate Reset slowly removes animal products, this should be a good transition.
2. So far, I’m feeling very good. I was very tired the first week but that could have been because I had knee surgery on day 1 and I had my period. I know TMI. But I’ve got to get real here. You’re going to hear a lot of TMI in my videos about the Ultimate Reset.
3. I felt the portion size was huge for a lot of the meals and I usually felt full halfway or ¾ of the way through the meal. Everything has tasted amazing and I love learning to cook all this yummy food. I’m making a list of my favorites to keep eating after the Ultimate Reset.
4. I learned a little preparation tidbit by reading posts from other people. If you do not eat healthy, you eat processed foods, drink a lot of coffee, soda, alcohol, whatever. 1 week or more prior to the Ultimate Reset, wean yourself off. Start to eat clean, no processed foods and drink a lot of water. Get off coffee, soda, etc. This will help you avoid the headaches, muscle aches and flu like symptoms that some folks experienced. I only experienced fatigue, but I ate very clean prior to starting the Ultimate Reset. Accept for my sweet tooth, of course. =]
Well, that’s my 2 cents for today. I will keep updating everyone every now and then. I hope this will help you through your reset or help you prepare. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
How Do I Get More Iron in My Diet?
How Do I Get More Iron in My Diet?
2 great sources of iron are spinach and kale. If you want to get even more iron out of them, be sure to add citrus. Use lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit to make a dressing or sauce. Yum!
If you like this video, please follow me on Facebook at
Thursday, May 03, 2012
ALKALINIZE Drink Review: Beachbody Ultimate Reset. Healthy Cleanse.
The ALKALINIZE is a drink alot of people complain about. They say it makes them want to throw up or actually throw up. I say, quit your whining and suck it up. It's good for you and if we can get used to drinking things that aren't good for us like beer and tequila, why not ALKALINIZE. It's green, smells like fresh cut grass and tastes like a salty grass drink. Just take it like a shot and drink some water afterwards. You'll be fine. Got questions about the Beachbody Ultimate Reset? Contact me at
Day 1 Recap Beachbody Ultimate Reset. Healthy Cleanse.
Day 1 Recap Beachbody Ultimate Reset. Healthy Cleanse.
Hello this is Coach Lana and I'm doing the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. I just finished day 1 and moving into day 2.
1. So, let's start with I feel great so far. The only thing I'm missing is my nighttime sugar binge. I love to eat my treats and night and I miss that habit. But I think my body doesn't miss it because I feel very energetic and my skin feels amazing. So, this may be a battle but I will win it.
2. If you are planning to do the Reset, here is some advice to get you started right. Give yourself at least a week to prepare. Read, watch, listen to everything you can about the Reset so you are ready. Shop for your non perishable items as far in advance as possible. There may be a lot of items you are not used to using or don't even know what they are. You may even need to find some stuff online. Try not to substitute. Stick as close to the program as possible. There is a reason it was laid out the way it was. Prepare your friends and family and be ready for some folk’s reactions. Not everyone will be supportive. That is why we have a great Facebook group where we support each other. You can do this. WE will help you. Be ready to try new things and give them more than just one try. I don't know anyone that tried beer for the first time and loved it, but I know a lot of beer drinkers. If we are ready to make ourselves like beer, why wouldn't we give healthy, nutritious food a try?
3. Once you have all your ingredients and you are ready to go. Plan each day in advance. Some of the recipes require a lot of preparation, but if you tackle it the day before it will be a snap. There is not much you could not prepare in advance and stick in a container to take to work or on a trip with you.
4. Be prepared for your body to react while detoxing. You may feel cold, nauseous, flu like symptoms, tired, headaches, anything goes. Don't let this throw you. Don't psych yourself out expecting it to happen, but don't be surprised. Especially if you eat a lot of processed foods, you smoke or drink coffee a lot. Removing these items and detoxing the body may throw you into withdrawal symptoms. You may even experience emotional reactions if you tend to hold a lot of emotions in or are a very negative or angry person. Be ready and work through it.
I will keep updating everyone every day or so. I hope this will help you through your reset or help you prepare. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Beating My Sugar Addiction! Let's Get Real!
Over the last year and a half, I've significantly changed my diet and was able to stop taking anti depressants because of it. I've made great strides but I still have a long way to go. Change is hard. But if you take small steps and keep moving forward you can do it. The time is now. I'm taking charge of my life. I'm tired of dealing with sugar addiction and binge eating. So, this is my pre shopping video for the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. I'm not going to do an unhealthy cleanse where you have to starve and eat crazy foods. I'm eating healthy meals with proven methods to reset my body. Along the way I hope to get closer to the vegan lifestyle I gave myself a year to achieve. Here we go. I hope you can join me with prayers and supportive thoughts.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Black Garlic: You Need to Eat This, Now.
In Taoism mythology, black garlic was rumored to grant immortality. Black garlic is sweet and savory, kind of like molasses with garlic undertones. It has a tender, almost jelly-like texture similar to a soft dried fruit. It has double the antioxidants of white garlic. Its antioxidants help support the immune system and it doesn't stay on your breath like other garlic does. It also contains S-Allycysteine, which is fancy talk for a natural compound that has been proven to be a factor in cancer prevention.
Imagine garlic without all of the annoying stuff: bad breath, pungent odor, acrid bite. It’s gloriously delicious and you can use it any recipe that normally calls for white garlic.
If you like this video please share it and you can follow me on Facebook at
Black Rice: Why You Should Be Eating It
Black rice is known as forbidden rice since it was only allowed to be served in the Chinese royal court, as a tribute to the Kangxi emperor of the Qing Dynasty. It’s deep black color turns deep purple when cooked. Its dark purple color is primarily due to its anthocyanin content. Black rice is high in nutritional value and contains 18 amino acids, iron, zinc, copper, carotene, anthocyanin and several important vitamins. According to a recent study by the American Chemical Society (ACS), one spoonful of black rice contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than a spoonful of blueberries. The study also showed that compared with blueberries, black rice offered more fiber and vitamin E antioxidants, with less sugar. Research has linked these nutrients to helping prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease. In China, black rice is claimed to be good for your kidney, stomach and liver.
Black rice takes longer to cook than white rice and should be cooked with more water to help tenderize it. A suggested rule of thumb is to soak the grain about an hour before cooking it and add a quarter cup more water than recommended. If using a rice cooker, keep an eye on it to ensure that it is not packed fuller than necessary and that it doesn’t boil over.
If you like this video please share it and you can follow me on Facebook at
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Biggest Loser Gets Zumbalicious! You Can Too!
Afraid to try Zumba. If the contestants of The Biggest Loser Can do it, why can't you? Zumba is like stepping on the dance floor at a party, your party. No worries, no comparison, no competition, just let go and have fun.. Check out what the Biggest Loser contestants had to say...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Tai Cheng: Live Pain Free and Mobile
Who should do Tai Cheng? Athletes, people who want to improve their movement, people who have difficulty with their movements. Want to improve your tennis or golf game? Want to walk up and down the stairs confidently? Want to play with your children and grandchildren? Then Tai Cheng is for you. Watch this short informational video.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
What is Zumba Toning? A Great Cardio Option.
Zumba Toning takes the original Zumba dance-fitness class to the next level utilizing innovative muscle training and the addition of light weight toning sticks or dumbbells. Created to emphasize muscle work along with rhythms, this combination of cardio and dynamic resistive exercises is an effective use of progressive light weight training to improve overall performance. This Latin-inspired dance ‘n tone program also includes, for the first time, combination rhythms within the same songs which adds to the fun and flavor: Latin Disco, Reggaeton-Cumbia, Conga Hip-Hop, Merengue Hip-Hop, Reggaeton-Belly Dance, Techno and Salsa. This program is assured to provide the participant with a safe and effective, re-defining total body workout! Zumba Toning creates the same party atmosphere as every other Zumba program because the rhythm of the dance is the passion and foundation which keeps the participant engaged and coming back. Zumba Toning is fun, different, challenging and effective and provides, for the participant, a new avenue to weighted activity and calorie burn.
If you would like to keep up with my fitness and health tips, LIKE my page at
Positive Thinking and Your Health
We choose our thoughts, whether positive or negative. Positive or negative thinking starts with self-talk. Self-talk is the endless stream of mind chatter that run through your head every day.
Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
-Longer life
-Less depression
-Less distress
-Stronger immune system
-A feeling of psychological and physical well-being
-Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
-Better coping skills during hard times
It's not clear why people who are positive experience health benefits. One theory is that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body. It's also thought that positive people tend to live healthier lifestyles — they
get more physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and don't smoke or drink alcohol in excess.
Focusing on positive thinking
You can learn to turn negative thinking into positive thinking. The process is simple, but it does take time and practice. You're creating a new habit. Here are some ways to think and behave in a more positive and optimistic way:
-Identify areas to change. If you want to become more optimistic and engage in more positive thinking, first identify areas of your life that you typically think negatively about.
-Check yourself. Periodically during the day, stop and evaluate what you're thinking. If you find that your thoughts are mainly negative, try to find a way to put a positive spin on them.
-Be open to humor. Give yourself permission to smile or laugh, especially during difficult times. Seek humor in everyday happenings. When you can laugh at life, you feel less stressed.
-Follow a healthy lifestyle. Exercise at least three times a week to positively affect mood and reduce stress. Follow a healthy diet to fuel your mind and body. And learn to manage stress.
-Surround yourself with positive people. Make sure those in your life are positive, supportive people you can depend on to give helpful advice and feedback. Negative people increase your stress level and make you doubt your ability to manage stress in healthy ways.
-Practice positive self-talk. Start by following one simple rule: Don't say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to anyone else. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself.
-Spend a few minutes a day acknowledging your worries in a tangible way. Creating a list of your top 10 worries or a calendar of stressful upcoming events allows you to strategize and deal with each problem directly, so they don’t balloon to an unmanageable size.
-Deep belly breathing. Whether in a yoga class, at the office, or on your couch, deep breathing is helpful in interrupting irrational thoughts. If you frequently experience toxic worry, try carrying a balloon in your pocket. Blowing up a balloon forces you to take long, slow breaths from the diaphragm, which slows down your heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and helps your body use oxygen more efficiently, having a calming effect.
If you tend to have a negative outlook, don't expect to become an optimist overnight. With practice, eventually your self-talk will contain less self-criticism and more self-acceptance and your body and mind will thank you.
sources Mayo Clinic and Dr. Oz
If you would like to keep up with my fitness and health tips, LIKE my page at
Thursday, February 02, 2012
The Doctors talk Weightloss with Team Beachbody
Carl Daikeler and Tony Horton are featured on "The Doctors" talking about Team Beachbody and our goal of ending the trend of obesity. I'm a proud Beachbody coach and my goal is to help every single person to get fit and healthy. If you want to take the Beachbody Challenge, I'm here for you.
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