Friday, January 18, 2013

How to Eat Cleaner - Day 19 of 31 - Rice. What is Healthier? White Rice, Brown Rice, Black Rice...

How to Eat Cleaner - Day 19 of 31 - Rice. What is Healthier? White Rice, Brown Rice, Black Rice...    

Hello everyone. I'm so excited that you decided to join me in our 31 days to cleaner or healthier eating. Each one of these videos will have 1 simple concept for you to chew on. It's your choice what you do with it. Try it for a day, a week, a month or implement for your entire life. My hope is it helps you open your mind to learning more about fueling your body more healthily.

Part of cleaning up what we eat is getting educated and alot of these videos focus on awareness.

Today we talk about rice, this is another topic that could be pages and pages.  Here is just a brief overview, please research for yourself if you want to dig deeper.

White rice is brown rice that has had the husk, bran and germ removed. It is usually polished, which further removes more nutrients. So, most white rice manufacturers add back in minerals and vitamins such as iron, zinc and magnesium and then call it enriched. Basically white rice is brown rice with all the vital nutrients removed. It's so lacking in nutrients that it's doesn't meet the minimum nutritional requirements of the FDA, so it has to be enriched to be sold in supermarkets. In addition, it's missing it's natural fiber which is important for digestive health and helps maintain healthy weight loss. White rice has been found to significantly increase your risk or diabetes.

Brown rice has high levels of vitamins betaine & choline, niacin & folate, as well as B complex vitamins and is a rich source of the minerals phosphorus, & potassium. Brown rice also offers magnesium, calcium & iron,  omega-6 & omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids, such as glutamate, aspartate, leucine, arginine. 1 cup of brown rice has 6.5 grams of fiber so it's more filling than white rice and you feel full longer. Brown rice lowers your risk for diabetes. Increased HDL, good cholesterol. Brown rice lowers cancer risk.

Black rice is known as forbidden rice since it was only allowed to be served in the Chinese royal court, as a tribute to the Kangxi emperor of the Qing Dynasty. It’s deep black color turns deep purple when cooked. Its dark purple color is primarily due to its anthocyanin content. Black rice is high in nutritional value and contains 18 amino acids, iron, zinc, copper, carotene, anthocyanin and several important vitamins. According to a study by the American Chemical Society (ACS), one spoonful of black rice contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than a spoonful of blueberries. The study also showed that compared with blueberries, black rice offered more fiber and vitamin E antioxidants, with less sugar. Research has linked these nutrients to helping prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  In China, black rice is claimed to be good for your kidney, stomach and liver. Black rice has been show to reduce inflammation and increased HDL, good cholesterol.

I challenge you to transition from white rice to a combination of brown and black rice. Both have a rich nutty flavor. If you love white rice, slowly transition by mixing for the next month. You can do it. It will become a habit and you won't want to eat white rice again.

Thanks for your time. This is Coach Lana and I would love for you to join me at so we can connect.

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